14. Shotgun

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Few days later...

I go to Skeppy's house, pick him up, and then we go to Incite. We walk into his office and he sits at his desk. I say, "Would you like for me to read the schedule now?" He nods and I say, "In an hour, Dream scheduled breakfast with you." He says, "Really? Will you come?" 

I shake my head, "Dream invited me, but I have some files and things to prepare there anyway so it's fine." He says, "Oh ok." I continued, "We're here until 1 where you have lunch with President Soot, I'll be joining as well because it's about a new venture. 

At 3 there is a meeting with the 3rd floor team. At 4 a meeting with the 7th floor team. And around 5:30 there's some ideas from the PR branch that Technoblade will present to you." He nods, "Alright." I say, "I'll be at my desk if you need me." I leave his office and sit down at my desk. 

Time flies by as I'm working hard and going places to get things ready for Skeppy. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if he didn't have an assistant like me because it genuinely would be a lot for him, more than already so. 

The time is 5:30 when Techno walks up to my desk. He says, "Do we just go in his office?" I nod, "Yeah, let me get my notepad real quick." We knock on the door and Skeppy says, "Come in!" We walk in and I say, "Mr. Skeppy, Technoblade is here to present the PR ideas." He says, "Alright." 

I help Techno set up a foam board with their new ideas for social media apps and ways of advertising. Techno leads, "First app is TikTok. We're thinking of doing more funny things around the office to gain a following. Companies like Lionsgate, Dualingo, and Scrub Daddy have been gaining traction like that." 

Skeppy nods, "Alright, what else?" Techno continues, "Along with tiktok, Instagram reels because there is some traction there as well. So we just take the tiktok's we posted and put them onto reels." Skeppy nods, "Sounds good. Is that all?" 

Techno laughs awkwardly, "Not all...We decided it'd be best to delete our snapchat account. Now it may seem too far, but it's a waste of time and money to work on it because we get at most 100 views per story. 

And we've tracked those views to none of them leading to potential clients. So we've decided that perhaps it'd be better to leave snapchat behind like the rest of society, and focus on the trending apps." 

Skeppy nods, "That's good. No one I know uses Snapchat even, so it makes sense." Techno smiles, "Yeah. And then Twitter, we've been wanting to try funnier tweets, but we need approval from you sometimes for those. Would that be alright?" 

He says, "Run it by Bad before you tweet, if he says it's alright then it's alright." I look at him, "I don't know if that's a good idea sir. I'm not a good sense of judgment." He says, "No you are, run it by Bad and that's far enough." 

Techno nods, "Yes sir. And that's all we have today." Skeppy sighs, "Alright, good work today." Techno bows, "Thank you sir." We leave his office and I turn to Techno, "Good work, Mr. Skeppy seemed to like it." 

He awkwardly smiles, "You think so? Usually I'm better at presenting, but it's nerve wracking with him." "Why?" I ask. He says, "It's Mr. Skeppy, that's why." The door behind us opens and Skeppy walks out of his office. He says, "Bad, I need you real quick." I nod, "Yes sir." 

Techno quickly walks away as I go in. I think to myself, "Did he hear what Techno said?" I say, "What is it you need, Skeppy?" He says, "Reschedule all my plans for this weekend." "If I may ask, why?" I ask. 

He responds, "I've thought about it, and let's do that retreat idea you had mentioned. Let us take two cars and go down to Savannah for two days, one night." My eyes widen, "R-really? Are you sure?" He nods, "I haven't had a day off in a while, and I figure there could be more team connection building." 

I nod, "Yeah, I'll get everything rescheduled immediately." He says, "Go tell the PR branch now so they can pack when they go home. We will all meet here tomorrow at 8am, and then be at the beach at 12." I nod, "Got it, I'll go do that right away." 

I leave his office and quietly squeal to myself. I excitedly walk to the PR branch and say, "Hey guys!" They all look up at me, "Hey Bad." I say, "So don't get too excited, well you can, but just don't shout or anything." "What happened?" Karl asks. 

I say, "We're all going to...Savannah for the weekend!" They stare at me, "What?" Puffy says, "Wait really? For what?" I responded, "After you and I went for lunch, I told Mr. Skeppy that it might be a good idea for him to build connections for business of course. Stronger connections the better. And it's been a few days but he's agreed that it's a good idea. We're leaving from here tomorrow at 8am!" 

They all start to cheer until Techno says, "Does that mean...Mr. Skeppy is coming to?" I nod, "Yes." They all quiet down and slump in their chairs. Foolish says, "I hope I don't get fired." "I better find the nearest job interview," Sapnap adds. I say, "Guys come on, it's not that bad." Ant says, "Bad we've been working here for a while and...Mr. Skeppy will cut our throats off. We'll get fired for sure." 

Puffy says, "I wanted a vacation, not a boot camp." I say, "Guys come on! A vacation is a vacation, even with Mr. Skeppy. And yeah you guys have been working under him longer. But I've been working with him long enough to know he's not bad. He's actually kinda decent to be around with once you get acquainted." 

Sapnap scoffs, "We'll see about that. But I figure this trip will be mandatory anyway so we'll have to go." I say, "I promise you guys aren't going to hate it like you think you will." Puffy stands up and holds her pinky up, "Promise it's not a death trap?" I lock pinky's with her, "I promise. And if you guys get fired, which you won't, I'll also quit." 

They all shrug and nod, "Fine." I say, "After work today just pack and be ready here tomorrow 8am. We'll be taking two cars." "How will we split up?" Foolish asks. Sapnap says, "I call not being in the same car as Mr. Skeppy, I'll drive that one." Karl says, "Same!" 

I say, "There are eight of us and two cars, so four in each. Karl and Sapnap in one, Mr. Skeppy and I in the other. Foolish, Puffy, Techno, Ant; what car are you guys riding?" Puffy sighs, "I'll come in yours." I nod, "Alright, and you boys?" Foolish says, "Sapnap's car!" 

I nod, "Ok and you two?" Ant says, "Can we play rock paper scissors?" Techno nods, "First to three gets the choice?" Ant nods, "Let's do it." First round: Techno. Second round: Ant. And third round: Techno. 

Ant groans, "Of course I lost." Techno says, "I'm going with Sapnap." I say, "That means Ant is coming with us." Puffy says, "Ant and I are going to sit in the back." I say, "Mr. Skeppy sits in the back usually." 

Ant says, "I call shotgun then." Puffy says, "No, I met Bad first so I get shotgun!" I say, "First come, first serve so be there early then." They both nod and I say, "I got to get back to work, bye guys." They all wave bye to me. 

The sky gets dark and Skeppy comes out of his office. He says, "Are you ready to go?" I nod, "Yeah." We leave Incite and I drive Mr. Skeppy home. I asked him, "Are you excited for the trip to Savannah?" He shrugs with no response. 

I say, "Make sure to pack a towel. That's the thing I forget to pack when I go on trips." He says, "I made a list." "You made a list?" I repeat. He nods, "Of course." I say, "Can you send it to me? So hopefully I won't forget anything." "Sure," he replies. I drop him off at home and then go home. 

I go in, take Lucy for a walk outside, eat some food, and get a small suitcase out. I put in swim trunks, towels, sunscreen, cologne, clothing, jewelry, sandals, hygiene things, aloe vera, laptop, ipad, and a suit just in case. After I zip it all up, I go to sleep on my comfy bed.

Word Count: 1496

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