7. Date Night

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I wake up this next morning and drag myself to the kitchen. I pull out my phone and text Quackity.

Big Q :D

Bad: Sorry again that I had to leave yesterday, wanna get drinks tonight as an apology?

Big Q: No because I arranged your date for tonight😈

Bad: What? Really? With Spifey? 👀

Big Q: Yes! Let's go!!!

Bad: What time and where?

Big Q: I told him you work late sometime's so you guys are meeting up at that new bar downtown for drinks at 8:30. Can you make it then?

Bad: Yeah, but I'll text you if anything comes up.

Big Q: Cool, hope it goes well Bad

Bad: Thank you Quackity 😎

Big Q: Good luck, don't go home tonight😉

Bad: Shut up.

I close my phone and get ready for work. I drive to Mr. Skeppy's house and he's already waiting for me. He gets in the car and says, "Good morning Bad." I turn and look to see whether it's really the Mr. Skeppy I know. And yes, in the backseat is Mr. Skeppy.

I say, "Good morning Mr. Skeppy..." I drive us to the Incite building and we go to the top floor. He goes to his office and I sit at my desk. I stop working for a moment thinking, "Wow, he said good morning. I was not expecting that." I continue with my work anyway though.

The time reaches 11:50 and I quickly make Mr. Skeppy's tea and delights. I went into his office and set it down on his coffee table. He doesn't even look up from his work but says, "Can you bring it to my desk? I still have work." I nod, "Yes sir."

I pick up the tray again and go to his desk. "Where would you like it?" I ask. He points, "Right here's fine." I nod and place it down. He says, "Thank you." I nod, "No problem sir, let me know if there's anything else you might want."

I walk out of his office and sit at my desk. I'm left a little uncomfortable with these sudden manners. First it was good morning, and now thank you? What has gotten into him?

We are in and out of the office from 1-7 and then I drive Mr. Skeppy home. He gets out of the car while on another phone call and I drive away. Now I'm free to go on my date! Hopefully. I drive home, feed and walk Lucy.

The time is 7:30 so I get changed from my work suit, to a more casual button up top, still classy though. I wear nice pants with my nice shoes. I have a small chain necklace on as well. I go to my bathroom where I put on deodorant, lotion for my arms, cologne, and fix up my hair real quick.

I see Lucy watching me by the door. I turned to her, "How do I look Lucy?" She barks and I smile, "I think you just said I look good." I check my watch and see it's 8pm. The weather is nice so I don't grab a coat, just my wallet and keys.

I drive to the bar and it's 8:25 by the time I walk in. I look around for Spifey, wondering if I'm too early or something. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around and see him. He smiles, "Hey, you're Bad right?" I nod, "Hey, you're George right?" He nods, "You can call me Geo or Spifey though." I smile, "Cool."

He says, "I got us a spot at the bar already here." He gently grabs my hand and leads me to the bar to sit down. I say, "Hope you didn't wait long." He shrugs, "Oh no it's alright, I usually show up early to things anyway."

I say, "This place looks nice, what should we order?" He smiles, "Quackity told me you don't drink much, don't feel forced to drink because I do." I smile, "Oh thanks, yeah I don't drink too often. Just here and there."

The bartender comes to us asking what we want. Geo says, "May I get a Moscow mule please?" The bartender nods and Geo replies, "Thank you." The bartender turns to me and I say, "Can I get a virgin pina colada?" He nods and I smile, "Thank you."

He leaves us again and I say, "So are you from here? I hear a British accent." He responds, "I'm from the UK so yeah." "Why'd you move here?" I ask. He replies, "My job moved me here, but I wanted to move here so it was a good thing." "What do you do for work?" I ask.

"I'm a content creator and do modeling on the side sometimes," he replies. Of course he's a model. I smile, "Wow that's nice, do you like that kinda world?" He shrugs, "Honestly I'd rather just stay at home with someone I love watching a movie."

My heart starts pounding: so charming, well mannered, and he's cute. The bartender brings out drinks and we thank him. "So what about you? What do you do for work?" he asks. I responded, "Not much, I'm just an executive assistant. Basically our company's CEO right hand."

He says, "Really? Is it a company I know?" I shrug, "Maybe, it's Incite." His eyes widened, "You're the executive assistant there? No wonder Quackity told me you're busy." I quietly laugh, "Yeah it's a packed schedule. But at least during the night time usually I get time to myself."

He says, "It's important to have a healthy work life balance. But everyone gets caught in one side or the other sometimes, and that's cool." I nod, "Yeah, but I like working anyway so I don't mind." He asks, "What do you do other than work? Any hobbies?"

I nod, "This may sound different at first, but I do knife throwing." "Knife throwing?" he repeats and I nod. He smiles, "Wow that's really cool. You should teach me someday, maybe next date?" I laugh, "Yeah we could try."

We continue talking to each other and the conversation with him is really nice. Maybe I should've tried dating sooner, this is great. He seems like a great guy too, I got really lucky. We talk and drink until it reaches 10pm.

I yawn midway through my own sentence and he says, "Hey Bad, it's cool if you're tired. We can continue next date if you want a next date of course..." I smile, "I'm sorry I keep yawning, work just has me tired. I'd like a second date very much."

"How about tomorrow night?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah that sounds great. Can I get your number in case something pops up? And we can plan where and when." He pulls out his phone and laughs, "I forgot to ask you for your number earlier."

I put in my phone and handed it back to him, "Well now you got it so text me whenever." We pay for our drinks and then we get up. He walks me to my car and says, "Goodnight Bad, see you tomorrow." I look up into his eyes, "Goodnight Geo, bye."

I get into my car and Geo walks away to his car. I hold my hand over my heart and quietly kick my legs in my seat. I smile, "I think that went well!" I drive home with a smile on my face. I walk in and pick up Lucy to twirl her around. I silently scream, "I have a 2nd date!" I put her back down and took her for a walk.

Once I'm back inside and calmed down a bit, I change into pj's and get ready for work tomorrow. My lights turn off, Lucy is sleeping on my pillow, and I get into my bed. I go to sleep with a smile on my face thinking, "Life is good right now."

Word Count: 1333

A/N: how do we feel about the Spifey cameo? :D #ILOVESPIFEY

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