"It's the signal to hold the mission."

"Everyone hold your positions." Hange ordered.

"What are they doing? Is this safe?" Connie muttered.

"You act as though we haven't willingly left the walls to fight titans." Kaya scoffed.

The two older members of the squad made eye contact, they knew that if Armin's hunch was correct then they'd all be in danger, but there was no need to show their fear in front of the squad.

Just then, another flare was fired. "Cmon." Kaya alerted, sprinting towards the origin of the signal.

"Over here! This part of the walls hollow!" A scout shouted, but before he could be assisted by his comrades, a blade was plunged into his stomach, the soldier fell instantly. Everyone's eyes widened, as a blonde hopped out of the wall. Kaya's instincts had helped her gain a head start on reaching the shifter, as soon as she saw an opportunity, she dived from the wall, reaching Reiner in mere seconds.

The ghoul usually conserved her gas, however, now was not the time to be wasting time, so she put her full speed into meeting the shifter with her blade. Slice after slice, her swords made contact with the boy, but he didn't once falter, his titan abilities were far too beyond their knowledge to know why. A battle cry was then heard from higher up in the air, Captain Levi soon came into eyesight when he too pierced Reiner with his swords, placing it directly into his chest. Reiner looked knocked out by the action, but he soon regained his consciousness and met Levi's gaze. With one last spec of hope before they made impact with the ground, Kaya managed to slice his throat, but all her efforts came to nought.

"Shit. A blade through the neck and the bastard still won't die. What are these guys made of?" Levi cursed.

"Worry about that later, let Hange deal with the armoured." Said Kaya.

"Keep your eyes open, we still need to find their allies." Erwin yelled.

Yet, over Erwins orders, the ghoul swore she could hear a scream in the background of his yelling. That's when it happened. Flashes of gold scattered around Shiganshina district, the force of the explosions shook the very ground they stood on. It was clear from then on, they truly knew nothing about the enemy.

"The hell?" Kaya stuttered as she watched a 20 metre titan lift a Boulder above his head. The titan differed from the average, it was too intelligent to be an abnormal, it's fur was also an indication that this was another shifter. The enemy raised the boulder onto his shoulder before throwing it with the precision and force of a professional, it landed below the wall, blocking their exit from Shiganshina.

All the scouts gathered on top of the wall, waiting for the enemy to make the first move. "Commander, he's about to climb." Levi implied the armoured.

Just as predicted, Reiner hardened his fingertips and toes, digging them into the wall as he clawed himself towards the soldiers. "You are not yet to engage the armoured titan, maintain a safe distance." Erwin yelled.

"Yes sir."

"They have one more intelligent titan, it's that cargo titan. Though, there may well be others." Erwin informed.

The beats titan made its move, smashing its fist into the ground, which in turn, forced the smaller titans to run towards the wall.

"Get ready, multiple, two to three metres approaching." Hange alerted.

"Sir, what now? The armoured titan is almost up, Bertholdt hasn't shown yet, but he must be nearby." Armin said in panic.

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