Mysterious Girl

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Her hand on my crotch; I didn't flinch. My eyes remained fixed on the movie screen and I continued taking big handfuls of popcorn out of the bucket I held. My hardness rose to painful attention as she stroked me through my sweat pants. The loose fabric made it easier for her to get a grip on my length and she palmed me slowly. The movie theater was packed, and we weren't the only couple on the row but, since it was so dark, we went unnoticed to those next to us.

She continued to grip and gently tug at my cock. It got to the point I had to stop and take deep breaths just to relax before I came on myself. Damn this girl really wants me. I blamed it on the sex scenes in the movie. The scenes had me super aroused as well, so I couldn't blame her. Sharrell, my girlfriend, sat to the right of me. We had been dating officially for three months now. It wasn't until Sharrell reached her left hand in for popcorn that . . . Wait? Her right hand was holding her drink, but there was still pressure on my cock . . . WTF! I panicked. I moved my big tub of popcorn over to see what was really going on down there.

Sharrell, my girlfriend, wasn't jerking me off. It was the girl to my left. I gasped. What the hell! I quickly put the popcorn right back over my groin to hide it. Who was this girl? I never met this girl before and what looked like her boyfriend was to her left. I thought fast. I couldn't make a scene. I didn't want chaos. This mysterious girl's boyfriend didn't look like a nice guy either. There would be a fight. Was this girl crazy! I reached down and gripped her wrist. She stopped but kept her fingers clenched around my length. I was so close to coming. If I came it wouldn't be a big deal, right? I had already let her go this far. I released her wrist and she kept going.

The girl touching me was sexy. A busty brown girl with big breasts, healthy skin, and she wore a very low-cut shirt so her breasts were practically falling out. She looked to be about my same age but, what the hell was her name?!

She jerked me a little faster and I accidently came in my pants. I clenched my teeth doing all I could to suppress any noise. My knees trembled. What felt like gallons of warm semen came shooting out, soaking through the fabric, drenching me. The last thing I wanted to be covered in was my own come. She must have felt the hot liquid and my shaft's muscles pumping. She petted my softening rod one last time then her hand disappeared. I felt the messy grossness seep between my thighs. I was lucky I wore dark sweatpants so Sharrell wouldn't be able to see the mess when the lights turned on.

The girl and I made eye contact. She smiled a warm smile and winked before she went back to watching the movie. I glanced at her in awe but quickly looked away before Sharrell noticed me. This girl was sexy! And we both played it off like nothing ever happened between us. My date and her date had no idea. When the movie was over, we went our separate ways and I didn't see her the rest of the night.

"What did you think of the movie?" My girlfriend asked.

"It was good. Yeah, it was good." The movie was great, I thought. But not cause of the actual movie. For a second, I did feel guilty about what I'd let happen, but I couldn't stop asking myself, who was that girl?


Next, it was the elevator at the mall. I was shopping by myself. The place had three floors. I was in the process of going from the first one to the third one. This mysterious girl, the one from the theater, entered on our brief stop at the second floor. My breath caught, and I suddenly became nervous and excited. The elevator wasn't full of people and she walked right up next to me. The way she looked at me, I knew she remembered me. I knew something was going down. She had pretty lip gloss on and she smiled.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said. Our hands naturally interlocked. How did everything feel so natural? My cock started to swell just standing next to her. Her hands were super soft. Her perfume intoxicating – the sweetest garden in the world - heavenly. Her aura roared SEX and it was powerful. When the elevator door opened, we left hand in hand like we had known each other forever.

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