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My desk was a mess! Papers stacked upon papers of clients' cases cluttered the surface. I had to decide which client to defend in court but all I could think about was what was Johnson's new girlfriend going to look like? The dinner was Thursday. What was I going to wear? Was he going to have a new girlfriend under his arm? I couldn't go without a new man! I needed a boyfriend in a week. I didn't want my ex-husband to one up me in any way.

I glanced up and looked out my office window. There were tons of interns and handsome young lawyers walking around the building. I watched the window until I saw the perfect partner walk by. I found myself racing to the door.

"Stephan, come here," I yelled down the hallway.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Come into my office."

"Yes ma'am," he uttered. I was like ten years older than all the new men at the firm, depending on how recent they graduated from college. I was their boss. They all acted like submissive bitches when they came into my presence. I understood why, but it was a turn off.

I would never date one in real life; however, for this substitute date, a young, handsome lawyer would be perfect.

"Do you have plans Thursday night?" I asked.

"Ummm, no why?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ummm no," he shifted in his stance. I could already see the excitement in his eyes as he waited for my next question. It was kind of cute. At least it let me know I still had it - if these young guys were drooling over me.

"You're going to accompany me on a dinner date. It's for business. Because of misogyny and shit like that, it looks good for successful women to have a man in arms reach."

Stephan stared at me blank faced. "Okay."

Then there was an awkward silence. Maybe this was a bad idea. Were all these young men terrified of me now?

Stephan was a quiet young man, short cut hair, tasty looking lips. His ears stuck out slightly farther than normal but it was in a lovable way. I never had a full conversation with him. He always said hi in the break room... looked good... smelled nice.

"Come in." I closed the door behind us, went to the drawer, and found measuring tape. I started measuring him for a new suit. I started with his arms... then waist.

"Do I need to bring anything?" he asked.

"Everything is paid for. All you need to do is show up and act like my man. And wear this new suit I'll have made for you."

When I measured his legs, I had to kneel in front of him. It was sexually suggestive because my head was close to his crotch area. There was a moment's pause as the awkwardness became obvious. We both tried to play it off. He took an inch of a step back. I wanted to laugh, but I kept measuring.

What if I did suck his dick? I thought to myself. That would be such a risk. 'Head of Law firm gives Head to her employee'. I could see it in the papers already. But then who would believe him if he told anyone. I wrote his measurements down. "And don't go around the office making a big deal about this. Matter of fact, don't tell anyone."

"Yes Ma'am."

"And stop with the 'yes ma'am' stuff until Thursday is over at least. Just call me, Meeka."

"Yes, Meeka," he said with a smile. He had a warm smile. My mission was accomplished in no time and Stephan wasn't a completely random choice. I noticed him before. He was very handsome.

The night before the dinner, I called Stephan to make sure everything was still as planned. I had just finished showering and I laid on my bed in a robe. Underneath, I was naked. I noted that my heart started beating faster as I waited for him to pick up. Mmmh, interesting. I haven't gotten nervous like this over someone in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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