Come for Me

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A muffled moan stirred me awake. I didn't sit up. I just opened one eye, barely. The TV was still on. Its images flashed in the dark. The volume low. I had no idea what time it was, but it had to be between one and four in the morning. Tucked deep in the blankets, comfortably stretched out on the couch, I peeked over the covers to discover the source of the noise.

On the floor below me, there was some suspicious movement. By the creases and outlines of the bed covers over them, I knew there were two people, and the rising and falling of the sheets made me very curious.

The moan sounded again, and I ducked real fast under my blankets. Staying perfectly still, hiding under the covers, I listened closely to what was going on. There was this faint sound of saliva moving and a female voice softly moaning as if in total enjoyment. I listened to their wet kissing sounds and.... What do we have here?! I smiled. My groin area naturally filled with the warm sensation of blood flow as I thought of sex.

"Do you think she's asleep still?" a female voice asked.

"Yeah, she's been snoring," the male said.

Ew, I've been snoring.

"Is she snoring still?"

They went silent. Oh shit! I made a little snort noise.

"We should go to the other room."

"All the other rooms are taken."

That's where everyone else went. I could've sworn before I went to sleep there was up to eight of us in the room.

"We can't do it right here."

"She's asleep. I heard her snore. Just be very quiet. No moaning."

She giggled. "I'll try."

By the voices, I could tell who it was – Kwame and Tamera. Everyone was jealous of them because of their looks and love for each other.

I sat very still under the blankets. Their kissing resumed. Soon they were groaning as if they were both eating something undeniably delicious. Oohhh, yeesss! This was so hot. My lethargic body quickly jump started. My nerves in my stomach started to tingle. Small energetic waves of lust moved all the way down to my toes. I had to be careful. Scared of any subtle movement alerting them to my awakened state, I didn't move a muscle. I yearned to reach between my closed thighs and coax my light arousal into something deeper but... I just listened, curious.

Tamera's breath, though low in volume, hollowed out and harshened with an increasing rhythm as if she was being fucked. Were they fucking! I had to look. I couldn't look. Fuck it! Peaking over the covers slowly, I found my suspicions were true. Tamera was getting fucked and it looked amazing.

Their lower half under the covers, Tamera had her luscious legs spread open and wrapped around Kwame's waist. Kwame pierced her hot vulva, lifting inside her with long, dragging thrusts. Lucky! I thought, wishing I was her. She tugged at his ass cheeks pulling him deeper. He skillfully moved his hips like a dancer. They were turned so that their heads were closest to me and their feet were closest to the TV. Kwame, if he looked up, would catch me watching him. But his attention was so focused on Tamera as he grinded her into the floor, that he didn't see me.

Oh my god! My core burned watching them. I reached between my thighs and stuck my fingers down the front of my panties in a hurry. Immediately, a zing of pleasure came over my body. I traced my fingers up and down the slit of my pussy, gathering the wetness that begun to form and drip. The sound of Tamera's harsh breath increased my excitement. I used my wetness for a layer of protective lube on my clitoris and proceeded to rub desperately. A warm feeling washed over me as I massaged my clit.

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