Teachers Pet

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"You really want to do this?" I asked.

"Yes, I love you," she said, sitting sunken and reserved while leaning back against the couch. She tucked her hands between her thighs.

"I love you too, baby."

"You're not scared?" she asked.

"No, what are you scared of?"

"I don't know... getting caught."

"No one will ever know about us."

"But they already do."

"You're just a teacher's pet that's all." I squeezed her cheeks. "They don't know our love is real."

Her cheeks flushed as she giggled. She tucked her chin and avoided eye contact, embarrassed about how obvious her adoration was for me to everyone at the school. I laughed. She was fully clothed in her blue jeans and tight, dark green t-shirt. I wanted her naked. I had watched this girl come of age, her womanly shape slowly forming, her breast and ass growing into nice shapely mounds of youthful flesh - flesh I wanted to touch, and lick, and play with.

"We're alone, Camille," I said. We didn't get time like this often. She was nineteen, but her parents were still strict and wondered where she was at and who she was with. Me, being a young new teacher at the school, I would be off limits... Unless, I was tutoring, I guess. This wasn't art class anymore. She was already an Elite painter.

"Mmmmmhhhhh," she hummed, biting her bottom lip. Sitting on the couch together, a movie played on the TV that we paid no attention to. I gazed into Camille's soft brown eyes trying to read her thoughts. Her jeans hugging tight around her thighs. I massaged my hand up and down the inner crease, moving close to her spot.

"What are you scared of, baby?" I said kissing her softly on her glowing black cheek. A cute dimple showed immediately as she smiled.

"Mmmhhh," she hummed again. I went from kissing her cheeks to slowly moving down the side of her neck. She gulped as I moved and breathed my warm breath along her neck line, targeting a different place to smooch and leave wet each pause. I had a hard-on that literally hurt with lust as it tried to press out against the fabric, begging to be caressed by her delicate hands. I finally licked just under her ear. She squirmed.

"I'm scared because I don't know what to do," she finally blurted.

"You're a virgin?"


"Oh." It all made sense now. How could I have not seen it before? Every bit of her mannerism gave that away; her wide-eyed, curious stare, her shy giggles, her hesitancy...

"That's not an issue,."

"That's embarrassing."

"That's cute. I can teach you, just like school." In a brief pause, I kissed her lips, barely sticking my tongue out to lick the inside of her upper lip. Her lipstick tasted sweet, so did her saliva. I hungrily swallowed her essence.

"But you don't think I'm a loser because of that."

"I think I'll just have to give you a few lessons. How does that sound?" I asked, tracing my finger just around her groin, teasing her.

"That sounds really nice, Mr. Dess."

"Call me, 'Daddy.'"

She turned her head quick? "Why am I calling you that?"

"Because that's hot." I licked my lips. She laughed.

"What are you calling me then?" she asked.

"You are still Camille, the new student. And I'm about to give you your first lesson. But, first things first, let's get you out of these clothes. I thought I told you that in the disclosure. No clothes."

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