Save Me for Later

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"Hello," Holly said, opening the door and doing all she could to hold in her laugh. It was nervous laughter.

"Stop laughing," Carter said.

"Sorry, redo it."

"No, just go. I'll edit that part out."

"Hello, welcome to Holly's bakery where we got mouthwatering treats and sweets. You, sir, ordered a peach cobbler. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Holly, I did." Carter turned the camera around to face him when it was his turn to say his lines. He turned it back to Holly and she froze for a second time, getting camera shy. She was used to being on stage, but this was totally different.

"What am I supposed to say now?" she asked.


"Just follow me sir and your order will be ready in a moment," she said.

"Say that again but beckon me with your finger like you're taking me to the bedroom."

"Just follow me, sir, and your order will be ready in a moment," Holly said with a come-hither lure of her finger and turned with a roll in her hips for the camera.

"Perfect! Cut! That was sexy, girl!!! Them hips!" Carter said.

"Shut up."

"You're doing great!" He gave her ass a congratulatory smack.

"Ow! I don't think I can do this, babes," she felt hot and flushed with embarrassment. She fanned her face with her hands feeling like she was going to start sweating any moment from nervousness.

"Don't you care about my dick?" Carter asked with a whiny face.

Holly shook her head. "Don't give me that face right now." It was the sad face Carter always gave her when she had to leave him. It usually filled her heart with pain. "Yes, Carter. I care about your dick. I care about it a lot. But this is weird. I can't believe I agreed to this."

"You're doing good. All you have to do now is bend over in front of the oven and pull out the pies, so I can get a good shot of your booty. And then we'll go to the next scene."

"What! Oh my God."

"Think of my dick, honey."

Holly was a professional back up dancer for pop singers. She had to go on tour often. Carter always complained he was at home alone wallowing with a hard dick waiting for his girl to come back home. Carter wasn't a fan of watching porn because he felt it was too mind trashing. He would watch a porn if it was just him and his future wife though, he told Holly. All they had to do was make one.

"You look real sexy on camera too babe, how do you feel?"

"I look like a total whore."

"That's the point."

"All I have to do is jump and my breasts are falling out of this shirt. See watch," she said, slightly bouncing in her six-inch stilettos and sure enough her breasts plopped out of the half cut flannel shirt that tied in the front. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," she laughed.

"Wait, let me get that bouncing action on camera."

"Fuck you."

"To the kitchen," he announced with a big smile, his dimple showing.

In the oven there was a warm peach cobbler. While Carter was at work, he told her to make it as a prop for their porno. The whole kitchen smelled of sweet peaches, brown sugar and spices. "Action!" Carter called out.

Holly bent over to get the pie from the oven. This moment, bending over for the camera, was an unusual turn on for Holly. She didn't expect to find this much fun in acting like a total slut. Pulling down the handle, the heat rose up against her face. She kept her legs awkwardly straight, hinging at the hips as she grabbed the tray with her oven mitts. Carter kneeled behind her with the camera, taking in EVERYTHING. She wore no underwear and her skirt was so tight and short it barely came to the bottom of her ass.

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