Haunted Whore House

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"I'm going to go look around," I exclaimed.

"Don't leave me," Lala said.

"I can't just sit here for thirty minutes and wait for nothing," I rose from the soft rocking chair. I didn't believe in ghosts. Tiffany, sitting on the couch, kept staring at the unlit fireplace. Tiffany's facial expressions were what really spooked me out – not the idea that this old dusty house was haunted. She was so excited about coming to this house. But soon after we broke the front door down, she barely even said a word. It was like she was possessed.

"I'm coming with," Lala hopped up and followed me. We turned on our flashlights and left the living room to find the stairs.

"Tiffany, are you going to come with us?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine right here." She kept staring at the fireplace.




"Tiffany is creeping me out," Lala said after we left the room. We took slow steps up the creaky wooden stairs.

"Why do you think she got dressed up to come here, like we're going out to a party or something?" I asked. Lala and I, we just wore sweats and a hoodie. It was a chilly fall evening. Tiffany wore tight clothes and a gang of makeup.

"How can she just sit in this house all alone?" Lala asked.

We were out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by empty fields. Tiffany said all we had to do was sit for thirty minutes, and if we didn't believe in ghosts after thirty minutes, we could leave. I called bullshit. But as I began to search the upstairs, cold chills wracked my body like something strange was taking place around us. It was an old house but there were no spider webs or trash, broken windows, leaking ceilings, none of that. It was a perfectly good, clean house. It was decorated nice but, for some reason, nobody wanted to live in it. Why wouldn't anyone want to live here?

Moonlight glittered through the dusty windows lighting up the halls. There were empty book shelves and treasure chests. I looked for any sign of a previous family but in every room, we found the same thing - a neatly kept bed and a drawer full of porn magazines. We searched through every room and slowly opened every door expecting something to pop out at us.

"What do you think this place was, Tierra?" Lala asked me. "Do you think it was one of those old whore houses or something?"

"I mean –"

Just at that moment, we heard Tiffany scream a shattering shriek from down stairs.

"I hope she's joking." We panicked. We rushed out the bedroom and down the stairs.

My jaw dropped. "Tiffany!!" I shouted. It was an alarming sight. She was tossed around by some invisible force. Something pushed and pulled her but whatever it was, was invisible. Only wisps of phantom like smoke enabled me to tell it was a human ghost. Tiffany whimpered as her clothes tore away and hit the floor.

"Tiffany?" Lala uttered. The sound of fabric tearing stood out in my head. One article of clothing after another was ripped away by this invisible hand until Tiffany was completely naked. Her tits bounced slightly. Her soft, deep brown skin glowed in the moonlight. She was forced over the couch. Her legs spread. She didn't look panicked at all. She knew the whole time.

She grunted out with rough ferocity as something went inside of her. A ghost cock? I couldn't see much in the dark. Tiffany, bent over, was rocked back and forth, her tits bounced from the jolting force.

I shined the flash light on her and the phantom became clearer. It was a huge man, thick chest and thighs. Massive phantasmic hands gripped around Tiffany's waist as he thrust his cock into her.

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