7 (End)

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They reached a fork on the road, but with the car of the goons ramming against their left, they could not make the left turn that was towards the city that would get them to a police station fast.

"We can't turn to the city", shouted Jin.

"Then turn the other way, its towards my village", shouted Tae from the back.

Jin took a hard right and sped towards the village. In the back Tae managed to get his phone out, and dialed his father's number, but was picked up by his rather tipsy Grandma.

"Halmoni, its me Tae, tell Appa that a bunch of goons are attacking us and we are coming to the village to escape them", said Tae with great difficulty as the car was moving around a lot.

Grandma who was having her afternoon Soju got up and weaved her way into the porch where Tae's Appa, Amma and Haraboji were sitting and chatting.

"Taetaeisintrouble. Goonsafterhim", she blurted out.

"What?" asked Appa in confusion.

"Taetae is in trouble. There are goons after him", translated Haraboji who got up in an instant. Appa, Amma and Haraboji went to collect the villagers for help while Halmoni brandished a soju bottle she had just finished.

"Nobodymesseswithmyfamily" HIC!!!

But before Tae's family could collect the villagers, Jin drove into the front of his home, followed closely by the goons in two cars.

The seven, baby, chicken and dog ran up the stairs and Halmoni who pulled them behind her.

"Mr Namjoon, stop this nonsense and come with us", said Mr Noh angrily standing in their front yard with the three goons in varying states of dishevelment.

"Nobody orders my grandsons' around here, except me", said Halmoni and threw the bottle that hit his head.

"YAAAH!" shouted Mr Noh and took out his gun. Then the goon who had brought the papers lightly touched his hand and looked around to show him that an army of villagers had gathered around brandishing various sharp farming implements. From a distance police sirens were wailing. They were caught by the villagers and handed over to the police.


The villagers celebrated the victory with soju and good food. Finally at night, the seven were sitting on the huge bench outside with Euna and Tae's family. The chicken in the coop and the dog on the floor.

"I have realized to be extra careful with money and property" said Namjoon.

"True, we could have been in serious trouble", said Yoongi.

"I won't have minded giving them everything, but I wasn't sure that you all would be safe" said Namjoon.

"Don't worry. In times like this, you can always fall back on family", said Halmoni showing the villagers as they cheered for the seven's well being.




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