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At the far end of the lane is a dilapidated two storey house with browning walls and sagging doors with the name on the gate, Kim House. It wasn't a great house since right opposite to it stood the local graveyard. People used to live in the house happily before, until four decades back when the city turned the then empty plot opposite to it into the graveyard. Gradually the houses nearby got vacated and some got demolished. Only the Kim house stood the ground, passing from one Kim to another until it finally reached Kim Namjoon's father's hands. Now in the house lives 7 people, Namjoon, his distant cousins Jin and Tae and their four other friends, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Kookie. They would have stayed anywhere else, but since Namjoon was entrusted to sell the house to fund his foreign semester and none of them had two wons to rub together they are staying in the so called haunted home. Today they are in an important house meeting.

"So the final decision to be made, chicken or pork?" asked Namjoon.

Everyone looked at each other and finally Yoongi said, "Pork. But honestly, why are we even debating this, its not even real pork we are going to eat, just pork flavored ramen".

"As if we could afford real pork!" said Jin glumly.

"Ok, guys. Put your contribution into the jar for this week and then today evening we will go shopping", said Namjoon getting up.

Everyone put some money and got up after him. They were already dressed for work since it was Saturday and they did not have classes, all except Jin.

"When will you guys be back?" asked Jin to them.

"By afternoon" said Tae.

"Evening" murmured the rest.

"What are you going to do hyung?" asked Kookie.

"I am going to relax, after all I am unemployed", said Jin. The restaurant where he was working had been closed because of health code violation. He will be joining a new place of work on Monday.

"No, you don't get to relax. The only problem this house did not have was rats, thanks to your restaurant, we are having one right now with stowaways. You catch those buggers before Mr Noh comes tomorrow to get my signature on the sale deed. I don't want him to back out of buying this place after being bitten by those pesky rats" said Namjoon.

"Fine!" said Jin rolling his eyes.

"If everything goes according to plan, I will have half the price of the house in my account and the key to the flat on Monday and we could all shift from this haunted house to the city!" said Namjoon.

The others cheered for him.

Tae's phone rang and he took the call in the other room and came back smiling, "Guess what? My uncle who died last week had left me something in the will. My mom asked me to come and collect it".

"Is it money?" asked Yoongi excitedly.

"I don't know, but I am hoping for money or something expensive. You see, his grandfather was a smuggler and a bandit in Korean war, he had shaken the valuables out of a lot of people during that time", said Tae excitedly.

"Dude, its not something to be proud of", said Hobi.

"I know, but what if its his gilded chamber pot or the golden spittoon" asked Tae excitedly.

"If its either of those, sell it before you come back", advised Yoongi.

"Didn't he steal anything.... decent?" asked Namjoon scrunching his nose.

"No, but I know that he owned a jade back scratcher", said Tae.

"He wasn't much successful, was he?" asked Jimin.

"Not really, in his later years he had to do security for a bank", said Tae.

Jin was about to ask him how he got the job after being a bandit, but Namjoon stopped him and said, "When will you go to get your inheritance?"

"Afternoon, I will be home by evening", he said.

"Alright hyungs, I am off", said Kookie as he left for Hit gym where he was working part time.

One by one they left for work, Namjoon as a cashier for a convenience store. Yoongi a delivery guy for a fried chicken restaurent. Hobi, Tae and Jimin as workers of a supermarket.

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