Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.

Start from the beginning


Roy: What's taking them so long? *Pulls out his trident* I'm going in. Stay out of here and I'll shout if I need help.

Reed: *Exits* Hey guys- why are you holding your trident?

Roy: I was gonna ask the same thing- I mean, what took you so long?

Reed: We had to deal with an assassin real quick. Not the worst not the best scenarios to be in right now.

Murakumo: You're safe! Thank goodness.

Yozakura: I'd never forgive myself if something bad happened!

Homura: Didn't you hear Reed say they were nearly assassinated? 

Minori: Yipee! You're safe!

Shiki: I was wondering if you weren't going to wake up. 

Orange: You sound like you don't want her to wake up.

Shiki: I'm joking!

Yellow: I already paid the fees. *Shows the bill* You're good to go. Make sure you don't get hit by a car on the way.

Red: Where's Mr. Oinker?

Asuka: Isn't he always with you- *Run over* Ehehehe~

Mr. Oinker: OINK OINK OINK!! 

Red: Where did you go-

Mr. Oinker: *Looks back* OINK!!!!


Green: My enemy~

Red: Are you singing?

Green: *Takes his headphones off* Wait wha- oh you're back.

Reed: So, where is everyone else?

Roy: Probably making some tea. Classic Japanese people-

Reed: *Smacks him* That's stereotyping!

Roy: *Rubs his head* I'm not wrong though! They are brewing tea!!

Reed: I'll let it slide just cuz you're right.

Yumi: Are they usually like this?

Asuka: They do this a lot in and out off class. They don't seem to get along but when you look at it closer, they're just having fun with it.

Yumi: What a weird relationship.

Yellow: So, you should probably leave until something goes on. Enemy Shinobi, natural disasters, some random-

Orange: We get it already. You don't have to state everything.

Yumi: But before we leave, we must make a formal apology to your school. To you and your teachers.

Reed: You don't have to-

Shiki: If she's made up her mind there's no changing it.

Yozakura: *Sighs*

Minori: So sorry in advance~

Roy: Nothing taken. No one got hurt too bad so it's k.

*In the training facility*

Katsuragi: Are you sure they should know the passageway here?

Blue: How else can we call sensei out?

Ikaruga & Yagyū: By calling him??

Chosen one: ... Why didn't I think of that-

Homura: *Opens the door* Why are the Gessen girls here?

Yomi: Murakumo! *Hugs her*

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