genshin - Xiao x reader

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"I can't.... Rex.... I'm losing...... Sorry xiao"

Your distorted voice was heard through the chasm while the 5 we're looking for an exit after seeing bosacious.

"Xiao who is that? They said your name." Yanfei questioned but Xiao had an uncharacteristic look of shock before turning to them.

"He was the dendro yaksha. He never liked attention so he also hid when humans were they were near. During the destruction of khanreha he lost his mind and went into hiding."

Xiao talked about you in the same way he talked about bosacious. He loved the memories he shared with you but all good things come to an end.

"I know who he is, the phantom yaksha. He helped from the shadows and saved any human he could." Yelan said causing Xiao to nod.

"That's so sad. I wonder where he went." Paimon looked to aether who was looking at Xiao.

There was a moment of silence before the sky darkened as a scream erupted from behind Xiao.

Turning around Xiao saw you on the ground with your (choice of weapon) on the ground next to you while you were squeezing your neck in pain.

"Y/n." Your head shot up at the sound with a look of fear.


Said yaksha tried to get closer but you backed away.

"NO." You shouted and haistily stood up into a fighting stance "your not supposed to be here. None of you are."

Xiao teleports behind you and take your weapon. Vines shot up wrapping around his neck, arms and legs restraining him.

"I can't control it anymore. I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE ELSE." You ran behind the portal before anyone could stop you.

When out of sight the vines disappeared.

Yelan was hot on your tail but when going behind the portal was your body entangled into the ground on your back.

The sight barely shocked her as she called the others over.

"Is he DEAD." Paimon screamed taking refuge behind aether/lumine.

"Yes" Xiao said simply. Taking your body of the roots he held you tight.

"What is he to you? You seem close to him." Yelan was very observant with the few time they saw the phantom yaksha and Xiao.

It took a minute before he answered. "He is equivalent to what humans call a significant other."

No other words were shared as he put you on his back to take you to the surface.

*tiny time skip*

Once at the surface he took the traveler to pervacies resting place.

"I want to bury him here. I also wanted to take a rock in memory of bosacious but the rock did not make it."

The memories came flooding back.

You and him we on a mountain not far from the other yaksha.

"Xiao why do you have to so cynical all the time." You chucked. Placing a hand to his cheek. "I'm not. I'm simply saying I would die for you."

You had a deep blush on your face, placing you hands on your hips and turning away.

"That's what I mean. You don't have to protect me cause I'll be the one to protect you." It was his turn to blush. You laughed and hugged him.

"Xiao if something every happens to me.... Just know that I love you." He pulled away from the hug and kissed you.

"I love you too Y/n."

He missed you along with the other yaksha and it hurt him that he was the only was still alive.

After burying you a beautiful tree sprouted from the ground. It's leaves had different colors and elements in them.

When people touched them they heard voices of laughter or small visions of their lost loved ones, but for Xiao they held the memories of the fallen yakshas.

Even in death you wanted to show people happyness.


Y'all got the concept right? Yeah y'all got it.

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