(p1)Arcane - Silco x reader

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requested by anonymous on tumblr - "can you do a silco x reader where he takes powder in"


"Vi is a strong girl for her age" you mumbled standing next to Silco as Vi fought against men twice her age and size to protect Vander, " And loyal." You added as sevika pushed off the wall she was on ready to join the fight but Silco stopped her.

"Ready to rise to the surface." He said to the boy that previously had his head down. Handing him a glass of simmer.

The poor boy looked at it like a crack addict looks at crack after trying to go sober. You felt bad but there was nothing you could do, the damage had already been done.

You watched as a shakily popped open the bottle and drank it. Crushing it in his hand as his whole body started to mutate into a body builder of steroids.

You turn your attention back over to Vi who had just knocked out the last fighter on the walkway.

You close yours eyes as she rushes towards the beast.

Voice interrupt your attempt to not watch a child get murdered.

"Silco let her go. This is between you and me." You look over to see Vander and Mylo. Mylo was trying his best to set him free.

"You had your chance." Silco yells back as Vi's body being thrown to is in your vision.

All you could do is stand there watching.

You stand with the Nation of Zaun.

You stand with your husband.

But its hard to stay standing when you watch a child give her all to protect her family, crawling to cling to life for her family.

Vi closes the door before the mutation could get to it.

The beast bang on the door and for what feeling like hours nothing happens.

But then the beast stops banging on the door and looks to his side. A little cymbal monkey waddles in emitting a strange blue light.

It stops a little ways away from the mutant.

You lean against the rail squinting to get a better look.

It goes in to bang it cymbals together.

The explosion caught you off guard but Sevika was quick on her feet pushing both you and Silco out of the way but unfortunately she lost her arm and you couldn't feel your legs from the knee down. (sponge bob guy "MY LEGS")

You landed next to Sevika barely awake enough to hear Silco say kill them. Then you black out.


You wake up to rain falling on your face and the high pitched cries of a child.

"She left me.... She is not my sister anymore." You open your eyes to see little power clinging onto Silco and Vander's body a few feet away.

"Not as loyal as I thought i guess." You croak out causing the person that was holding you to hmm in agreement.

Silco goes to hug the girl while muttering, "Its okay. We'll show them. We will show them all."

And with that little Powder joined the nation of Zaun and your life.


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