Chapter 1: A Bad Day

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"OH CRAP! OH CRAP! OH CRAP OH CRAP! SHIT! I'm gonna be late!" The young man curses at himself as he frantically puts on his pants and rushes out the door. He side-eyes the kitchen as he leaves the building with a growling stomach. 'Today of all days. Damn it, man! Why did I have to wake up late today! What a great way to start the day.' He thinks to himself sarcastically as he makes his way toward his school.

A man walks over, his teacher, and hands him a paper face down. The only paper he handed face down. He looks down at the young man, concern and contempt in his eyes. "If you want to be a Hero you can't be doing this bad at school. You were the only one that failed this test. If you can't handle UA, then you need to think about possibly transferring, before your chance at being a Hero slips through your fingers." The young man, his heart throbbing from pain and anxiousness, flips over the paper he was handed as his teacher talks to him. The words his teacher say sting far greater than the 22% written in red on his test paper. A major test that he had spent weeks studying for...obviously for nothing.

"We aren't his fucking mom bro! Mineta can do whatever the hell he wants. It isn't our job to parent him and it isn't your job to parent us. I don't know what is with you today, Kirishima, but you need to chill the hell out. If you have that big of a problem with Mineta then talk to him about it, not us. Come on Denki." The two stand up, lunch in their hands, and leave the young man alone at the table. Usually another is with them, but she is gone for the day, leaving the distraught kid by himself. He wants to say something else, but they left before he even had the chance.

"Young Kirishima! That was not a smart choice to make! You led your teammates straight into a trap and failed the mission! If this was real life there would have been casualties and nothing to show for the deaths of those you put on the line! Make sure you thoroughly think your actions through before you go in! Even when you only have a few moments to act, you need to make sure your actions are the best possible ones! Alright, the next group is up!" The massive, blonde-haired man says as he lifts his hand off of the shoulder of the young man and turns to the rest of the class.

The young man enters his dorm building and the realization of what he did punches him in the gut. He left all of his things back at school. He turns around immediately and starts walking back to his school, his head hanging low as he thinks about the person he loves. A person who doesn't love him back. Who doesn't even like him back. He squeezes his eyes shut, as tightly as possible. Something he has already done 4 times today. Trying to hold back his tears. The 10-minute walk to and from school is the longest 10 minutes of his life.

He reaches into his pocket. The common room was empty when he walked by but he wouldn't have noticed if someone was there or not. He pulls his keys out of his pocket and as he goes to put them into his door the key slips from his hand. It starts falling through the air and with quick reflexes he is able to kick them across the hallway and bang his head against the door at the same time...instead of catching them. He falls to his knees squeezing his eyes as tightly as he can, desperately trying to hold back the tears that have been itching to come out all day. Time and time again.

The door harshly slams shut as shoes are flung across the room and a backpack is dropped in disarray. The young man stands just inches away from his bed. His head hung low as he takes a deep breath in, trying to control one of the only things that seem to be functioning in his life, his lungs. He takes out his phone and pulls up the only thing that can possibly make him feel better. The only thing, no matter what mood he is in, always makes him feel better. His finger hovers over the shuffle button. There are only ten songs in the playlist. 'If there really is a god. If the universe isn't against me. If something was to go right for me today, then it will come on...even if I hit shuffle.' He thinks to himself as his hand starts to get shaky. His thumb draws closer to his body and hits the third song on the list, not wanting to find out that unbearable question on this unbearable day.

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