Side Story 1: The Kirishimas

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One thing is for certain. No matter how strong my younger brothers get. No matter how high up Red gets on the Hero Billboard Charts, no matter how far out into space Hide goes, and no matter how many guys I have to fight to protect Kanae, I will always protect them...Shiro too of course! It is my job as the oldest brother to always protect them and so I will, even if I am quirkless and even if Red is the #1 Hero. I will always be strong so my kid siblings don't have to. I even have the scar to prove it.


Not all heroes wear capes. At least that's what my dad says, although when he plays with Kanae he wears a cape sometimes so who knows. But all the heroes that wear capes can fly and if I want to explore space I'm gonna need to wear a cape.

Just kidding. I know the cape has nothing to do with it and I know that what my dad says is true, cause my hero doesn't wear a cape. He doesn't even have a costume like E does. Big Brother E is going to be a Hero when he grows up. Shiro is going to be an artist and I am going to explore the universe. Right now I am just going to be an astronomer, but hopefully by the time we grow up, the final frontier, space, will be explorable. And by that I mean, hopefully humans have the technology to explore space like our ancestors did when exploring the world.

"Hide! Let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Shiro's voice echoes through the house. I quickly put the drawing down that he made for me and I run downstairs.

"OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream back. I get to the bottom of the stairs and see everyone waiting for me. Well, everyone but mom and dad 'cause they went on a date.

"C'mon buddy, I'll carry you and Kanae to the mall!"

"Really!?!" I love when I get to ride on his back. It makes me feel so tall and even if Shiro gets on E's back, which he will, I am still taller than him.

I jump up on the couch and then Kyan walks over and squats down so I can climb up onto his shoulders. He grabs one of my legs as I get on, Kanae is already in his other arm.

"Shiro! Let's gooooooo!" E shouts next to us as Shiro jumps onto E's back. I turn to look at Shiro and we smile at each other. With both E and Kyan in high school now, we don't get to see them as much anymore, so I love when we get to hangout.

Shiro turns his head to face forward as we start moving, but as soon as he does he gets a face full of spiky red hair. He jolts back, almost causing them to fall.

"Hahahahah. Hahahahah. How does red hair dye taste, Shiro?"

"Sorry Shiro!" E screams out as they regain their balance.

"Alright c'mon! The mall won't be open all day." Big brother starts walking again and E follows him. We get to the door and he squats down and I bend down so that my stomach is pressed to the top of Big brother's head, both of us making sure I don't run into the doorway.

"So how's UA been?" Big brother asks E. E is at UA, the best high school in the country and he is studying to be a Hero. He has been super busy because of it, but him and Big brother have never been closer, so I don't really know why he is asking a question like that. Maybe so E can tell us about it.

"It is so awesome! Everyone there is really strong and really manly! And it is a lot of work and it is really hard sometimes but I love it so much!" E has a big smile on his face, he is always smiling like that. I can't really picture him without his smile.

"Do you have any friends? Is that guy who has my quirk one of them?" Shiro sounds super excited. He looks up to one of the kids that goes to school with E. I think his quirk is explosion and it is a lot like Shiro's. But the kid is super strong and he even beat E in a fight and E told us all about how strong he is and how he fought the villains alongside E when they attacked the school. E has fought real villains! Like real villains. They could have died if their teachers weren't there, but E stayed strong. He didn't used to be like that, so it's really cool to see how strong he has become and he has even somehow become even happier.

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