Chapter 4: A Dark Past

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"Mmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmm." My whole body feels warm, like never before, and I snuggle deeper into the warmth, falling back asleep.

My eyes feel heavy as I start to open them up. I feel my eyes slightly open, but I roll my eyes back so the lights don't reach me. I don't know why I am so warm and comfortable, but I never want to leave this spot.

Bakugo. Bakugo, that amazing dude. He really made one of the worst days of my life turn into one of the best. And all we did was go for a run and play video games. He's amazing. He really is. I just wish I could have him. And he would have me. We could be together. That would be amazing.

I flip my head so it faces the other way, my eyes closed. As my head lays back down I feel something hard pressing against my cheek. I rub against it, trying to figure out what it is without having to open my eyes, but it is no use, I have no clue what it is. I finally open my eyes, lifting my head up at the same time. And that is when I die...well just about. My whole body freezes when I see the elbow my head was just laying on and the realization of what I had been sleeping on, the entire night, hits me.

I was sleeping on Bakugo!!

My eyes follow the bruised arm up to a scarred shoulders and then to his face covered with ashy blonde hair. I feel my heart start to beat again, now going about a million beats per minute as I try to get up, off of Bakugo's body without waking him up. My bare chest sticks to his stomach, probably from both of us being sweaty. I get off of him and sit up on my knees, my right leg between both of his and his left leg between both of mine. I take a deep breath and calm down a bit, glad that I didn't wake him up.

'I can't believe I was sleeping on Bakugo! This is crazy. No one is going to believe me! I can't- I don't- I don't even know what to say. This is insane. Did Bakugo fall asleep first? Did I? Was I sleeping on him the whole night or did I just shift onto him? Does he want me to sleep on him? Does he know I was sleeping on him? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. Okay. I need to calm down. First I am going to get up off of the bed, then I will wake him up. I should let him sleep, but I am hungry and I don't want to just leave him here...even if it is his room.'

I slowly place my arms down on either side of his torso, pressing down into the mattress, sinking both of us deeper. Then I lift my right leg up and over his legs and onto the floor. Once I hit the ground I put all my body weight on it and get off the bed as swiftly as possible. He stirs a bit so I freeze, but his eyes don't open so I take a few steps back. After a few moments of waiting I walk back over to the bed and grab his shoulder. His skin is incredibly soft. It stops me in my tracks and for the first time since I woke up, I actually look at Bakugo. His muscled body and calm face and soft skin and...and...and his scars and his bruises.

'Why does he have so many scars and bruises? What does he do where he gets them? I mean, I know the league did some stuff, but not everything. And he wouldn't have bruises now if it was just the league's doing. I want to say its training, but I don't know. I really don't. And they make me worry because I want Bakugo to be okay. I mean even if he doesn't complain or say anything, it has to hurt. Ugh, now's not the time.'

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts, and start to shake him.

"Hey. Bakugo." My voice is soft and a little quiet. His body moves back and forth and after a few seconds I hear him groan, so I stop shaking him.

"I'm up." He says, his voice is coarse, but it gives me shivers just hearing it.

"Mornin' man! Sleep good? Did you want to go get some breakfast?" I ask, trying to contain the massive smile on my face.

He doesn't do anything for a moment, but then he sits up and opens his eyes for the first time. He sighs, "I, uhh, I have to do something, so you should head down by yourself."

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