Chapter 8: Forging Forward

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The plan itself was simple. We strike and we strike hard. All of the heroes, from us students to the pros, would rush into the building, take out as many bad guys as possible right away and fight Shigaraki and All for One.

And that is exactly what we did. The pros, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki all rushed in. They knocked out except the main two and Monoma used his copy quirk on the warp guy and warped all of the knocked out villains to prison right away. They thought it would be best to get rid of any possible chances for All for One to steal someone's quirk.

The fight began between the sides. We wanted to help, the rest of us, but we couldn't. Not only was the fighting too crazy, but our job was to stop them from escaping and from other villains coming. We were a human barrier and if one of us moved, it meant a chance for the villains to win.

We didn't know at the time, but Shigaraki and All for One were fighting each other. All for One was trying to take over Shigaraki's body and Shigaraki was doing everything he could to resist. But no one could have ever guessed what would have happened.

The teams were simple: All for one vs Endeavor, Hawks, Mirko, and Edgeshot. Shigaraki vs Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kamui Woods, Best Jeanist, and Mr. Aizawa/Monoma. Both Shigaraki and All for One were still injured and nowhere close to their full powers so we had the upper hand.

The Endeavor team was putting up a good fight but were getting pushed back. However, Midoriya's team was gaining the upper hand. Shigaraki was getting pushed into a corner. Midoriya was about to punch Shigaraki with all his strength, everyone watching held their breaths, but the punch never came. Instead, the shrill scream of Midoriya could barely be heard over the massive explosion. Our eyes turned to see Bakugo next to where Midoriya just was, his hands extending out toward Midoriya...or at least where he was. The timing couldn't have been worse. Right as Shigaraki was about to be beat, both Endeavor's team and All for One watched the fight coming to an end and so when Bakugo exploded Midoriya everyone frozen. Of all the heroes that day and all the villains, the only one who moved was All for One.

No one comprehended what just happened. It seemed as though Bakugo exploded Midoriya and despite none of it making sense, that is exactly what happened. With everyone frozen in place, two things happened before anyone could make a motion. All for One reached Shigaraki and used the opportunity to take over his body. Shigaraki was not only far weaker, but was in complete shock like the rest of us. After taking over his body, and pretty much becoming his former self before his major fights with All Might, he stole Midoriya's quirk. Midoriya was not only blindsided by the attack from Bakugo, but he too was in complete shock. It was easy for All for One to steal his quirk.

In a single instant, the tables had turned. All for One was more powerful than ever, Midoriya, our greatest weapon, lost his powers, and Bakugo betrayed the heroes.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" All for One bellowed out. "Bakugo you never cease to amaze me. You truly were my greatest pawn. Now fight with me, my young ally."

Bakugo was the first to move. He charged for the quirkless Midoriya, but Best Jeanist pulled Midoriya out of the way.

I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think. I couldn't understand what happened. Nothing made sense and before I even realized, I was unconscious.

I don't know exactly what happened after I passed out. The Heroes fought All for One and Bakugo. The human barrier crumpled as everyone cried out in complete shock. Bakugo had betrayed the Heroes. Bakugo had betrayed the Heroes. Bakugo had betrayed the Heroes.

The fight must have been rough, Endeavor was critically injured along with Best Jeanist and Mirko. Edgeshot lost two arms. Midoriya lost his quirk. Monoma had burns all over his body and Aizawa had a hole in his shoulder. Todoroki's back was pierced and he lost feeling in his legs, although the doctors said he will be able to get it back with extensive surgery and recovery. Kamui Woods and Hawks were both killed along with All for One and Bakugo.

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