Chapter 17- Speed Up

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What. A. Dream.

I swear I wouldn't ever want to wake up if it were up to me. What was the dream that I dreamt? Well, it was me and Thomas... In a dark room... (STOP THINKING UNNECESSARY THINGS), cuddling together and watching a nice romantic movie. It was such a nice dreamy moment! He pulled me towards him and I kept my head on his chest as I side hugged him. The movie gave such romantic and nice vibes but suddenly, there was a flash and I wasn't in the room anymore. Thomas wasn't there either. I was now standing in a black room, at first, I didn't see a thing but suddenly something shone in front of me. It was like a rainbow coming out of a particular place, but the room was still pitch black. I followed the rainbow and found myself standing in front of a glass case kept on a pedestal. The thing inside that case was shining a lot, so much that I could barely see what was inside. Soon, I somewhat adjusted to the light it emitted and noticed that the thing seemed like a stone of gradient colour of purple and pink.

I frowned and raised my hand in order to open the case but as soon as my fingertips touched the case there was another flashed and I wasn't in the room anymore. I was in the middle of something that seemed like a dark and damp room with a huge safe etched in the wall standing right in front of me and strangely enough, there was a broken clock on the safe instead of some kind of digital lock or keypad or something. It totally seemed weird but I was sure of what I saw although it was for just a split second. After another flash, I was standing in the middle of a battlefield. I looked to my side and saw my mom and dad holding hands while the rest (my friends ofcourse) were standing on either sides of mine. No, this was a battlefield. What the heck were my parents doing there?

"Mom! Dad!" I tried to scream, I didn't know why or how they were there but I wanted to tell them to go back to the Corporeal World immediately but no, I couldn't open my mouth at all.

But what made me want to scream was what I saw next. Amy and Thomas were lying on the ground, in front of me, but they didn't look fine at all. Their eyes were half closed, blood was coming out of their mouths and both of them were looking at me with a weak smile.

"NO!" I shouted but voice didn't come out of my mouth. Suddenly, my eyes flew open. I was staring at a black roof with a green chandelier hanging right above me. I was breathing heavily because... I knew what I saw. My heart was racing and I was breathing heavily. I couldn't believe what I saw, or rather, I didn't want to believe it. This couldn't be what I thought it was... Please Gods, no. Not them. I sat up in what seemed like a comfy bed with a start, gosh, I was sweating badly.

"Amy? Thomas?" These were the first words that I uttered, and luckily, this time my voice came out.

"Yeah?" Amy and Thomas' voice spoke up in unison. I sighed in relief. Okay, it was just a dream... or was it? Oh I SO hope that it was just a dream.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Thomas asked, worriedly. He was standing next to me, his hands were crossed up until a second ago. And now, his right hand was now on my head, as in to check my temperature.

"Your fever's down then why is your face red?" He spoke as he sighed and quickly pulled his hand off my head.

"For a reason your dumbhead would probably never understand." Amy smiled and looked at me. I stared right into her grey eyes, ofcourse, that was JUST a dream. Ofcourse.

"Where... am I?" I asked slowly as I realised that the place wasn't familiar.

"Well, right now you're in the Kingdom of Witches." Ira spoke up.

"Apparently, you got yourself spelled-out." Peter said.

"And by spelled out, this idiot means you got yourself hit by a spell." Alia said.

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