Chapter 10- Kurai

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You're back stalkers? Can I never get some privacy? Damn, you guys are after us like hungry rats.

"You know that you are calling cockroaches by calling them rats right?" Vi asked.

"And how's that?" I asked.

"Rats eat insects like cockroaches, so if they are hungry rats hunting you all down then that means you are cockroaches, their prey." He replied.

"Ugh, Vi. You use your mind too much! Now, thanks to you, I can't call them some animal respectfully. Idiot." I said.

"More like you're an idiot since you couldn't figure out that you were calling yourself an insect but I guess it's your nature." He said.

"I'm going to ask Charlotte to make some injection thingy to reduce your savageness. It's getting out of hand, really." I spoke.

"Oh, Thomas about Charlotte..." Vi trailed off.

"I know." I said.

"You're thinking too much about it, aren't you?" He asked.

"I know." I replied.

"See, you can fall in love with anyone at any point of time You can't do anything about it. What's more important is that you realise your feelings and take actions accordingly." He said.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"But—" I interrupted Vi.

"Please." I said, firmly and with that, he decided to obey me. See, I was still processing the fact that I could even 'fall in love' with someone. I always thought of myself as the cold-hearted boy who possibly never knew what 'love' was. I had nice parents, quite rich ones that is but just because I never flaunted my riches, they bullied me. So, despite being surrounded by a loving family, I never actually felt the love. For past few years, I had quit thinking of myself as a human with feelings, I always felt like I would never have something like 'emotions or love' in me, forget about accepting that the one I apparently loved was Charlotte, the very girl I hurt so much in the past. For some reason, now that I ever think about everything I did to her, made me feel guilty. Lately, I've been feeling like 'I should have never done this, not to her, not to anyone'. I don't know why I was changing or what was wrong with me, it was just happening. I felt the layer of cold ice around my heart melt, leaving a warmth-seeking little heart behind. Ever since James left me, I was mostly alone and felt nothing. Now that I think of it, the only times my heart ever had it's heart rate increasing was whenever I was around Charlotte, mostly when I was really close to her. But even now, I couldn't believe that my first love would be her.

I looked at Charlotte who was standing next to me. Her eyes were sparkling, her lips were curled up into a beautiful smile, every expression on her face screamed 'happiness'. She was just so happy right now and here was I, who always gave her nothing but pain. My heart ached whenever I thought about it, even if for once I would accept my love for her, there was no way she would accept me. Why would she? I'm a shameless stupid bully after all.

"GRACE!" Amy shouted, interrupting my train of thoughts.

I moved my eyes to look at Grace who was now kneeling on the ground. A blue coloured arrow was sticking out of his chest, he was breathing heavily, trembling and blue veins were popping up on his skin. What in the world happened?!

"I-I'm fine..." He stuttered.

"NO YOU ARE NOT!" Amy shouted, as she knelt next to him. He was already trying to heal himself by keeping his right hand on his wound while a green light began flowing around his hand.

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