Chapter 5- The Flirt

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Can I express how frustrated, yet surprised I was right now? No, I can't.

First, however much I tried, I couldn't find a possible way to forget about what happened last night. And trust me, Aeji wasn't letting me forget either, she kept on whispering about Thomas and my 'dreamy' moment together. Then, it took me approximately 10 minutes or even more to finally finish the code work of this weird Portal thingy (I mean, it wasn't easy, I almost quit in between). And now this. Some other kiddos pop out of the Portal we were supposed to get sucked into. Probably, I messed up again.

"What are you doing here?!" They exclaimed.

"We should be the one asking you! What are you doing here? Weren't we supposed to go to the Magical World?" Ira asked.

"FORGET ABOUT ALL THIS! WHERE IS KARINA? WHAT HAPPENED?" A boy with pale skin, black hair and grey eyes shouted, he had a terrified and broken look on his face.

"D—did you say... Karina?" Roselle asked, slowly.

"YEAH! Wait. You know her? Where is she?" He asked.

"Do you happen to be... Christian?" Amy asked.

"Yeah—Wait. What's going on? How do you know me?" He asked.

"Oh Gods. We need lots to talk about." Eric sighed.

"There is no time to talk! W-we need to save Karina, she j-just... she..." A girl with strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes and tanned skin trailed off.

"She's already dead! You can't... you can't save her now." Amy exclaimed.

"No... no..." Christian whispered and almost fell when another boy with tanned skin, brown hair, freckles and electric-blue eyes caught him before he fell.

"You guys need to calm down. I know, landing here out of nowhere, meeting us, Karina's death and everything that happened must have been a major shock. So, come with us, we'll get you some hot coffee, do a quick introduction, catch up with what's happening and then get to the point of you coming here." Amy spoke.

"Can we trust them? I mean after what just happened..." A boy with brown hair, hazel-brown eyes, tanned skin and muscular body (ouch, much like Thomas) trailed off.

"We can. It is pretty clear that they are the Clandestine Six. You've all heard how we depend on each other to defeat Duke. If there's anyone left out here whom we can trust, it's them. I'm positive." A girl with red hair, fair skin, freckles, electric blue eyes and sharp features spoke.

"She's right. We depend on each other, a lot. By the way, welcome to the Quartz Core Realm! I suppose, you must have heard of it." I spoke up.

"Come with us to the Lounge. We'll discuss everything there." Aiden said.

Soon, we were sitting in the Lounge with a cup of hot coffee.

"Let's start with our introductions. I'm Amy Chandeliour Rick, Heir of the Dark Concord Gem." Amy spoke up and we all continued.

"I'm Roselle Dove Brown, Heir of Light Concord Gem."

"I'm Charlotte Kate Winston, Heir of Azure Concord Gem."

"Thomas Jake Crease, Heir of Scarlett Gem, here."

"Aiden Mc'Klein, Heir of Jade Gem, this side."

"My name's Grace, and I'm the Heir of the Amber Concord Gem."

After the Clandestine Six's introduction, Adrien, Ira, Lisa, Eric and Leo also introduced themselves. Mr. Almond had left for Crystal Chamber before we came to the Lounge so he wasn't there. Oh, I just noticed that Axel was missing again. Why does he always have to be absent when something important is going on? And he always disappears so mysteriously... Anyways, the Chosen Five now started introducing themselves.

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