11. headbutt

Depuis le début

I take a step forward towards the guy who is smirking down at Ciara. "Yeah," he grunts. "And what are you gonna do about it?"

My hand slides Ciara behind me and I square up to the dark haired guy who is a couple inches shorter than me. Reese and Elijah step to my side and push the girls away.

"It's not nice to grope girls or anyone for that matter," I spit towards him. "In fact it's disgusting and preterory. It's like you can't get a girl to save your life so you have to touch them without consent. That's fucking embarrassing."

His eye twitches at my words and his friends now step up to rival us. But I don't budge and neither do my friends.

"It's embarrassing that you're sticking up for her," he chuckles to himself and folds his arms across his chest. "Bet you've never got laid in your life."

"That's rich coming from a guy who has to grope a girl to get their attention."

People now start looking at us, the pub going quiet to see what's going on.

"Bodi," Ciara says from behind me but I ignore her.

The guy flicks his eyes between mine and then flicks his lips up into a smirk that makes me feel comfortable. "I know who you are," he leans back a little. "You're that shitty boxer who's fighting our friend tomorrow."

My blood boils inside me and I quirk an eyebrow, attempting to show that he won't get to me. No matter how hard he tries.

"Then I guess I'll see you there," I say calmly. "Tell your friend good luck."

"He's going to batter you."

"I'd like to see him try."

"Oooooh, look at the confidence on this one," he points to me and looks behind at his laughing friends. I clench my jaw tightly and try to cool down before things got out of hand.

"I don't have to waste my breath on people like you," I grumble, attempting to move away.

"We've seen you fight Hawk," the sound of my surname rippling from his tongue makes my stomach twist in knots. "You're shit. You have no technique or strength, you're nothing but sh–"

My chin dips down along with my knees and I push my head up under his chin as harshly as possible. He stumbles back not expecting the blow and that's when chaos breaks out, pushing, shoving, punching.

Fire burns in every inch of my body, vibrating to the core and feeling fury behind my eyes. I wanted to do more, so much more but I couldn't risk anything before tomorrow. My father will murder me for sure.

Blood drips down the guy's nose at the force and I can't help but smirk. Reese and Elijah pull me backwards, along with the girls and away from the brawl that has now broken out between random pub goers.

The security attempt to break it up but it's beyond them now.

"Fuck!" Reese roars in my ears that have been ringing since the hit. "You just heatbutted the guy!"

I catch my breath as Ciara rushes to my side gripping my hands. "Are you alright?" She shouts and I glance around at the walls.

After a moment I nod, feeling a rush of dizziness to my head suddenly.

"Jesus Christ, Bod." Elijah gasps. "He's fucking outcold."

Our eyes glance over to the guy I had just assaulted, watching his body on the ground. Blood dribbling from his face and onto the grubby carpets.

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