Chapter 2-What just happened?!

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Soon Izuku manage to get towards the source of light, which was being emitted by golden-yellow berries the size of an apple that grew from a vine that hung from the ceiling of the cave.

Izuku quickly ran into the vines, pushing them aside as he tried to run deeper, only to realise how small the cave actual was(about 2 meters deep).

"Dammit," said Izuku, "I'm trapped."

He turns around, pressing his back against the end of the cave as the growls of the villain slowly enters the cave, its breathing audible and its heart beating slowly. Izuku could see the villain clearly as the vines didn't cover him properly. However, the villain didn't seem to see him.

Instead, it stood by the entrance of the cave and stared into it, not making a move. Izuku stared back through the vines, softening and slowing his breathing. And the villain stared back, unmoving still beside swaying from side to side.

'Is it, is it blind?' thought Izuku to himself. He slowly raises his flashlight towards the villain. The light revealed the body of the villain.

The villain's skin was somewhat similar to the moss on the ground, except for some white areas. Its chest had huge which was guarded by its ribcage which was exposed. A dark black heart sat in the centre of its empty chest, glowing a dark bluish-green each time it beat. It lacks any form of visible eyes or nose, but it had a large mouth filled with sharp teeth. Its ears were replaced with what he had thought were horns, but were branches with a similar colour to the seaweed and moss. It was roughly around 8 feet tall.

The villain let out a soft groan and sniffed near the entrance of the cave, before reluctantly and slowly walking out of the cave, away from the cave. Izuku could only stare in relief, 'He was safe', he thought to himself, 'He was-----'


Izuku froze before looking up to see a bat above him, which hung upside down and stared back at him. The villain's branches glowed before it slowly march back into the cave growling, parting the vines with its huge body. The bat seem to sense the upcoming danger and immediately flew out of the cave, squeaking while doing so. This seems to have caught the attention of the villain as it turns around to give chase to the bat. It ran out while roaring at the bat.

Izuku could only stand before falling to the ground, still trying to process what had just occurred.

"So the villain is blind," he muttered to himself, "It doesn't seem to respond to light, plus it didn't seem to have any eyes meaning it's blind. Meaning it's really sensitive to sound and maybe smell. Meaning I have to be quiet."

Izuku then begins to recall the previous events. "It seems that the villain is almost similar to those floating plants and the ground. Meaning both are extremely sensitive to sound meaning I have to be extremely quiet."

Izuku then releases a sigh of relief before getting back on his feet.

"I need to find a place to stay for now, until the heroes come," he said with a smile on his face, trying to stay positive.

"I'm pretty sure Izumi and Bakugo would tell my parents I'm---", Izuku stops muttering as the memories of how he ended up here came crashing back, setting him back to reality. No help was coming, he was all alone, by himself.

No help. No hero. No rescue.

A tear rolled down Izuku's cheek before he wiped it off.

"No," he said, I can't cry now! Heroes don't cry! I have to get out of here and prove to them I'm not worthless! And maybe I might be able to bust this place and be called a hero! Then I can prove to them you don't need a quirk to be a HERO!" A smile grew across Izuku's face, and determination filled in his little emerald green eyes.

Izuku then turns his attention to the glowing berries.

"I need food so these might do.' Izuku thought to himself as he pluck one of the berries from its stem. 'Hope it isn't poisonous,' as he sunk his teeth into the fruit.

The fruit burst to release its liquid, as it squirted like a water ballon pop. Izuku drops the fruit in surprise. The fruit was much juicier than he anticipated. And it didn't taste like any regular fruit. It wasn't sweet or sour, more like drinking water without its unique taste. He was still hungry, but no longer as thirsty as he had begun with.

"Guess I don't have a choice," Izuku said as he begin plucking another fruit and popping it into his mouth and chewing down. It liquid filled his mouth and he was forced to throw it out as it filled his mouth more than he anticipated.

"Okay," Izuku said as the colourless liquid drips from his mouth, "Maybe in smaller portions."

Izuku then begins to eat a number of the berries in smaller portions. It took quite a few before he felt bloated but still hungry. He sighs as he gets up.

"Coming to eat here isn't good, I'll get trapped if that villain chases me up here again. I think I should take one of these." He says as he grips one of the vines and yanks on it. The vine then broke off from where he was pulling, snapping off from the branch.

'Oh, it's that easy,' Izuku said and place the plant in his backpack. 'now, to find somewhere to stay.'

Izuku then makes his way down the slope, making sure to be extra quiet to not trigger the plants or the villain. That's when he noticed a structure in the distance and decides to explore it.

As he got closer, it seems to be a simple hut. It was as large as his room back home, it was made out of some stone bricks with some of the moss seeping into the cracks of the bricks. In the structure, was a simple chest, which Izuku open with causes.

Inside the chest, were three books, a box of soaked matches and some chalk. Izuku then opens the books to examine them. They were written in letters he has never seen before. A different language maybe, he thinks; maybe a secret code?

Izuku yawns, deciding to put the books aside and pulls out his sleeping bag and lays it down. Then he took the chalk out and drew a line down on the way.

Day 1

Izuku smiles and tucks himself into the sleeping bag. Even if his family and friend don't inform anyone about his disappearance, somebody else might notice. After all, his teachers, classmates or neighbours might notice a certain green-head has gone missing. Then help should arrive. it was now only a matter of time.

Help should be on its way in a few days, maybe a few weeks? But at the end of the day, help would arrive, right? Help was coming, right?




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