3 || sarcasm

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"But it's seven already," I told her. "There's no way mom and dad are gonna let you out past eight."

"I'll be fine. We'll be at the movie theater the entire time, and I'll be back by ten. Molly has a car."

"I don't like Molly. Does she even have a license? I thought she was fifteen."

"She just turned sixteen, which is why we're going to watch a movie. Please, Oakley?"

"Fine, but if mom and dad tell me you're not allowed, I'll pick you up right away. I don't care if the movie is finished or not."

"Yay!" she exclaimed, hugging me briefly. "You're the best brother ever!"

"I know," I told her.

"Okay, wait for me. I'm gonna let them do my makeup and hair again." She practically skipped away like a child. I sat down on a random chair and watched as they were filming another dance portion of the video.

The dance was different from what I was used to from Gen.  It was robotic and honestly a little boring, but if there was one thing I learned about her, it would be to never question her choices.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket about halfway through what I believed was the chorus. I checked it, only to notice a bunch of missed calls and messages from Mason. I left the room, opening a bunch of doors until I finally found the bathroom.


"I've been talking with the people at Stellar, and they really want you to write a romantic storyline for your next project. I know how you feel about love songs, but this would be a fun and new experience for you."

"You know that's the only thing I will not write about." Even if I wanted to, I was terrible at it. I didn't want to bring my quality of writing down.

"I don't think you understand how it will help tremendously with your image. You have become too unattainable to your fans. You're too reserved, too private. We need to give them something they can relate to."

"Do you remember those ones I wrote and they rejected them?"

"You were sixteen. You hadn't fallen in love yet."

"Yeah, and I still haven't. Nothing's changed. And nothing is going to change within a month. You're gonna have to come up with a better plan."

"You've had girlfriends. Write about that experience. I promise you if you can do that, you'll have a hit. Multiple, even."

"And what if I don't?"

"Just try. If it doesn't work out, call me up and we'll think of something else."

I groaned. There had to be something else I could write about.

"Whatever. I'll see what I can do." I hung up the phone and turned around to get back inside, and right as I opened the door, someone stood right there.

"Holy shit, you okay?" I asked upon seeing Nolan with blood running down his forehead. "Did I hit you?"

His subtle dislike must've turned to absolute hatred by now.

"Yeah. I- it's not real. Don't worry," he said. Though I wasn't sure that was true from the tears running down his cheeks as well. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to walk past me.

"Are you good, though?" I asked. It was none of my business and I was well aware of that. I didn't usually try to bother people too much, but he didn't look fine. Whether it was because I hit him in the head with a door, because he already didn't like me, or because of something else.

The Obscure Downsides of FameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang