it's all a mess

315 7 21

tw/cw: ocd (obsessive cleaning, briefly mentions medication), adhd (sensory overload)

george tried his best to be patient.

he tried to be patient with dream.

george moved in with dream and sapnap almost three months ago. it was easy to settle in, the boy's interacted the same as they did online and honestly the minor changes weren't much of a shock. after sorting out his jet lag and sleep schedule, everything just fell into place. they had similar routines all around and so it felt quite natural, they ate together, hung out as a group, slept at the same time- everything was good.

well, nearly everything.

when george lived in england, his house was, contrary to popular belief, always kept pristine. he cleaned to the point where it was borderline excessive and realistically a little unhealthy. but, it wasn't harmful and it kept him happy so he didn't see the problem.

unfortunately, dream seemed to be the complete opposite.

sapnap wasn't tidy by any means, but he kept his mess secluded to the four walls of his room so george never had to see it- out of sight, out of mind.

dream, on the other hand, seemed to have no sense of decency in the slightest.

and maybe george was exaggerating a little bit because it wasn't really a tragic mess, it was just lots of little things like leaving the toilet seat up or not washing his dishes in favour of just leaving them stranded in the living room (they would likely sit there for days if george wasn't there to clean them.)

the mess itself wasn't actually that bad, it was more the fact that george voiced his discomfort with it and dream just seemed to completely disregard his wishes. whenever george would point out something he wasn't happy with- for example: when the brit asked dream to stop leaving his dirty shoes in the middle of the hallway floor when he got home- dream would fix it for a few days, listening to the brunette and changing his behaviour. and george kept getting his hopes up just to come downstairs to see the awful trainers discarded onto the floor he'd cleaned just a day prior.

i mean, how hard can it be? the shoe rack george had brought for them was literally beside the front door.

but he was thankful to be living with the american boys and the genuine joy he felt from knowing they were just a few rooms away made all the mess worth it. and, after the first few months, george stopped complaining. he let himself exist at peace and tried to suppress the constant nagging feeling to go off at the blond- instead just taking an extra thirty minutes out of each day to specifically clean his mess.

it was just little things. little misplaced items and easy-to-clean messes. no biggie.

no biggie- until george went downstairs after a long ass stream, having already had a bad day just to see the living room in an absolute tip.

'it was just little messes'- was being the key word because this is not a little mess and george couldn't just ignore it like he did all the other times. if he hadn't known sapnap was out he would've assumed it was a two-person job.

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