just a tired week

298 4 13

tw/cw: just like general sadness/ tiredness


bad was late to school because his mum was telling him off for staying up all night on minecraft the day before. but, in his defence, there was lots happening on the server so he had to be there.

when he arrived at school, first period had already started and so he went straight to maths- unable to meet with his friends in the morning like they usually would.

when lunch wrapped around, bad made his way to the group, surprised to see they weren't the loudest bunch in the cafeteria. in fact, as a whole, the group was strangely quiet- the majority of them just silently eating their lunch.

"hey muffins!" he spoke cheerily as he sat down, only retrieving a few muffles 'hello's in response.

and then, like always, lunch went by far too quickly, and the next thing bad knew he was making his way to english with clay. neither boy speaking on the walk.

about ten minutes into the lesson, bad broke the weirdly awkward silence between him and one of his best friends, "why's everyone so quiet today?"

dreams gaze stayed fixed on the teacher as he shrugged, "i think everyone's just tired." he answered honestly- his exhausted voice only emphasising his point.

the brunette went home that day feeling deflated after not receiving the usual energy from his group.

his down mood only inflated when he went to play minecraft just to see there was no one else on.

and, on that note, he had a very early night.


unlike the day before, bad was on time today, although it seemed like most of his friends weren't.

when he arrived at their usual meeting spot he was met by only zak and luke.

as he sat down, luke looked up at him, nodding weakly before looking back down to his phone. skeppy was just staring off at the nothingness.

bad let the silence sit for a few minutes before it made him uncomfortable.

smiling, he nudges zak lightly, watching as the raven-haired boy snapped out of his trance and looked at the older, "oh, hi bad, i didn't see you walk over." the shorter boy smiled.

"i've been here for like five minutes geppy," the older laughed, though his tone was one of concern, "how are you feeling this morning?"

"pretty meh honestly," the ravenette shrugged, "it's just one of those days y'ano." he elaborated, smiling weakly at the other.

"yeah, i know," he smiled back gently.

the next few lessons passed, and all the group members he saw seemed to be mutually tired.

lunch was eerily quiet again.

even niki wasn't talking- spending their art class with her airpods in, focused solely on a sketch she was working on.

dsmp oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang