he knows its gross (part 2)

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tw/cw: implied ed

"fuck, nick i'm such a shit friend!"

george shifted ever so slightly in the covers, blinking his eyes open, overwhelmed by the brightness of the sun shining through his bedroom window.

"dream, you know that's not tr-"

"it happened again, sapnap. this is the second time and i still didn't notice."

george rolled over to see a distressed-looking dream sitting at the end of his bed with his head in his hands, sapnap beside him with his arm wrapped over the dirty blonde's shoulder.

"we've hardly even been here a day and you practically fell asleep as soon as we got home. how were you expected to know?" sapnap responded quietly, gently rubbing his hand along dreams arm, pulling him impossibly closer into his side.

"i lived with you for three years." dream whispered out and george heard him quietly sniffle.

he watched as sapnap pulled away from the embrace, holding both of dreams shoulders in his hands and turning him slightly so they were facing each other.

in their newfound position, the oldest could clearly see dreams red, puffed up face and the tears streaming down his cheeks and neck.

"please don't think about that dream, i'm better now, you helped me and i'm okay." george watched as the tallest of the three nodded weakly, moving his hands up to wipe his own tears.

george thought back to yesterdays events, realising what they were talking about and suddenly felt like he was listening in to something he didn't have the right to hear.

before he had the time to make his presence know, dream looked up from wiping his eyes, slightly gazing past the raven haired boy and making eye contact with the brunette in the bed.

dreams postured straightened up immediately as he smiled, seemingly suppressing all his previous emotions.

"good morning georgie, how're you feeling?" he chirped out, his bright facial expression juxtaposing the red tear streaks still littering his cheeks.

sapnap abruptly turned around, dropping his arms from the blondes shoulder and cupping his hands on top of his lap, smiling sympathetically as george croaked out a tired response.

"'m good." he simply replied, cringing at how hoarse he sounded. "you both okay?" he could obviously see they weren't, but he asked regardless, out of respect for his best friends.

"yeah, george, were alright." sapnap responded, smiling wider and turning back to see a brief nod from clay before redirecting his attention back to the brunette again, "i know this isn't what you wanna hear first thing in the morning..." sap began, happy expression fading slightly into a look of guilt. "but you needa have some breakfast gogy."

the world stilled as george searched for an excuse, relocating his eyes to look anywhere other than the boys in front of him. "i- i know you guys are concerned but, it was just one time and honestly i'm not hungry." he focused on looking out the window.

sapnap turned back to dream to see the taller boy frown as his eyebrows furrow together. the two boys at the end of the bed looked at each other, both silently hoping the other would speak up.

after arguably too long, sapnap broke the deafening silence and moved back into the bed to sit beside george.

"i wasn't trying to intrude, but.. you have no food in your cabinets a-and your plates are literally dusty george!"

george felt stupid. he couldn't even hide it for a day. they knew. he'd made it too obvious.

the white noise overwhelmed george as he tried to think of something, anything, that he could say to get himself out of this situation.

"listen, gog we-" sapnap spoke again, pausing before peering back to dream to receive a reassuring nod and looking back down to the brit, softly placing his hand onto his shoulder, "we know about stuff like this, and we really want to help."

"i'm fi-"

"i know how you feel." sapnap quickly reassured, looking as though he was regretting what he was saying "trust me, i get it."

george nodded slowly, picking up on what sapnap was hinting at.

from the end of the bed, dream spoke, cheeks still stained red "we won't force you to eat shit tons georgie, even just something little, as long as you have something to line your stomach. we will start with something easy. i bought some rice cakes at the airport, i know they used to be easyish for sap when he-"

"dream." sapnap scolded, cutting off dreams rambling.

"right," he looked down at his lap "i'm sorry if i'm overwhelming you george." dream apologised, gaze still fixed on his lap, fiddling with his own fingers and george watched as tears swelled up in the blondes eyes for the second time that morning.

dream stood up abruptly, looking up at the brunette with an apologetic face, tears spilling free and voice trembling as he spoke again, "i'm sorry, i shouldn't be in here right now, i don't know what i'm talking about or how hard it must be for you both, i'll leave the two of you to talk." he chocked out through sobs, moving towards the door.

"dream wait." george spoke, the loudest he had since waking up not too long ago. the look on dreams face suffocated his heart and he would do anything in that moment to make the blond feel better. "a rice cake would be nice actually."

sapnap proudly grinned at the brit and despite georges disgust towards eating, all of the negative emotions in his stomach where suppressed immediately after seeing the way the blonds eyes lit up. 

fluff? angst?

congratulations!! you just read 932 words

writing has taught me that so many phrases that i thought were one word are actually two

like eachother isn't one word?? and neither is infact!! wtaf

anyway, hope ur doing a ok.

luvs ya


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