eight. *new edition*

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Harry had always wanted to go inside Rock-a-bye Baby but, until now, never had a good enough reason. He knew if he'd ever been caught going in, the press would've had a field day. They would have come up with stories about a "mystery woman" or written some other half-baked, long-winded narrative to make him out to be the "womanizer" they always try and manufacture him to be.

But now, he had a reason. A good reason. Two fantastic reasons.

When he walked toward the store, Harry didn't even bother looking over his shoulder to check for prying eyes. Instead, he held his head high and grinned, smugly, as the door chime rang above his head. Nothing could stop him now.

Harry let out a satisfied sigh, stepping inside with no consequences. He chuckled, softly, and flashed a wave to the enthusiastic cashier who gasped and went red upon seeing him. Harry made his way to the back of the store then, rummaged through a rack of mini onesies, jumpers and dresses.

A few seconds later, the door chime echoed through the store. Harry peeked up over the rack and rolled his eyes, and smiled, seeing Louis strike a pose for a picture with the cashier from before. After snapping his picture, Louis met Harry's eyes and went to join him at the rack. "Phew that was a close one," Louis said through a relieved sigh, readjusting his baggy sweater to hide his baby bump. 

"Feel better?" Harry chuckled, pulling a dress of the rack to inspect it.

Louis nodded. "These babes are doing a number on my bladder though," he smirked, pulling a blue bear-faced jumper, with a stripped undershirt and matching hat from rack. He gawked at it a moment then, showed it to Harry. "How about this one?" he grinned, holding it against his belly and swaying a little to model it, "It's on sale."

"It's cute," Harry shrugged. Then, he reached for a polka-dot dress with a red skirt and pulled it from the rack. "But I like this one better," he said, playfully, placing it against Louis' belly, on top of the jumper.

"Yeah..." Louis teased, holding up the jumper and dancing it like a marionette. "...but is it on sale?"

"But you're Louis Tomlinson," Harry reminded, playfully. He lifted up the dress and made it dance a little. "We don't have to worry about sales, you know." 

"I know," Louis sighed, rolling his eyes. He returned the jumper to the rack and shrugged. "But just 'cos we've got the money doesn't mean we have to spend it."

Harry stared at Louis. A slight grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, as he watched Louis admire every detail of the jumper. "Fine, we can get yours," Harry surrendered. He chuckled, softly, and returned the dress to the rack. Then, he sifted through the other choices until he came across a green jumper that was a match for Louis'. Harry pulled the jumper from the rack then, held it against Louis' belly and smiled, "As long as we get two of them.

Louis bit his lip and smiled, "You sure? Because we can get the dress if you really want it."

"Nah," Harry breathed, shaking his head. "It's probably better to stick to neutral stuff until we know for sure anyway."

"That's true," Louis said. He hung the tiny hanger on his wrist and turned back to the rack. Louis searched through the available options then, stopped and puckered his lips. He pulled a grey onesie from the rack and showed it to Harry. "Look, this one says 'bee' kind, with a little bee on it," Louis exclaimed, softly, tracing the bee's trail with his finger.

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