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The ride home was quite.

The only time anyone spoke, was Louis asking Harry to pull over and, Harry comforting Louis, as he puked beside the car. After cleaning himself up and returning to the car, neither of them said a word the rest of the way home.

When they pulled into the driveway, Harry put the car in park then fell back against his seat and sighed, heavily. He turned and glanced out the window, a moment, and felt a warmth consume him, while imagining himself and Louis waving goodbye to their daughter on her first day of school. As the image faded away, Harry grinned, hoping he'd see it again someday, then, turned his head toward Louis.

Louis stared, blankly, out the window, biting his nails. His face was pale and his legs were shaking. Harry frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, cautiously.

Louis sighed, heavily, and shook his head. He turned to Harry, finally meeting his eyes, and frowned. "Not really, no." he admitted, dropping his hands to his lap.

Harry's stomach hardened. "Don't...don't you want to discuss our options?"

Louis scoffed, "Our options?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "We should talk about them so we can decide what to do about this."

"I've already decided, we're getting rid of it," Louis breathed, blatantly.

Harry tilted his head and, slowly, licked his lips. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" he quizzed, his heart in his throat.

"When I go back to the doctor, I'm going to ask them to terminate and schedule a surgery to remove everything so we can prevent this from ever happening again," Louis explained, firmly. "End of discussion."

"Wait...what...why...I don't understand," Harry scoffed, tripping over his words. He gazed out the window, trying to will the image from before but nothing. Now all he saw was Louis packing the car and driving away without him. Harry's heart shattered. "Shouldn't I get a say in this? I mean, it's my baby too."

"Your baby?" Louis cringed.

"Yes, my baby," Harry nodded, turning back to Louis. "Which means I should get a say in what happens to it."

"First of all, please stop calling it a baby. You and I both know it's nothing but a clump of cells right now," Louis breathed, weakly. He closed his eyes, licked his lips then, sighed and said, "Second, it's my body. Shouldn't this be my choice? Or does that only apply to women?"

Harry swallowed his words. "Well, yeah, but..."

"But nothing," Louis interrupted. "You can't cherry pick your beliefs, Harry. Either you feel that they apply to everyone, or that they apply to no one. So, which is it?"

"It applies to everyone," Harry breathed.

Louis gave a firm nod, "Good. Then, we're on the same page. We're terminating...this. And then we're making sure it never happens again. Okay?" he verified, as he exited the car.

So that's it, Harry thought to himself, turning to look back out the window. His eyes began to swell with tears. His throat burned from holding them back. His heart was slow, and his stomach hurt, as he thought about the baby--clump of cells or not--and what would have been. Since the moment they heard Louis was pregnant, Harry had manifested a whole new life for them. He had already thought of names, imagined the baby losing its first tooth, and kissing it on the forehead the first time it became sick. It had only been a few hours, but Harry had already imagined an entire lifetime with the baby. The baby that was half him, half Louis. Something he'd always wished for but knew was never possible. Until...

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