one. *new edition*

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SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2023.

As Harry and Louis' band played the final coda of For What It's Worth, the crowd cheered with excitement. Harry blew kisses to the crowd then, crossed the right side of the stage. He grabbed his water bottle and chugged back a sip. Harry went to swallow but stopped, suddenly, when he noticed Louis on the left side of the stage, keeled over, leaning his head against one of the beams backstage. Harry wrinkled his brow and finished his sip. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand then, snuck across the stage. Just before the band finished playing, Harry squatted beside them. "Would you mind stretching for a moment? I'll be right back," he whispered so only they could hear. The band agreed and, spontaneously, created a whole new second coda like magic.

Harry thanked them then, jogged across the stage to check on Louis. Arriving beside his partner, he ran his fingers through his hair and called out to him. "Hey, babe, you alright?" he asked, softly, clearing his throat.

Louis' eyes were closed. He shook his head against the beam and sighed, "I'll be fine. I was just feeling a bit poorly. I'm alright now." 

Harry's eyes widened. "What?!" he gasped. Immediately, He stepped in closer and placed a hand on Louis' arm. Harry felt his heart race, as he starred at Louis' trembling hands. "Why didn't tell me you were poorly?" he asked, his voice quickening with every word. "We could've cancled." 

Louis shook his head and swallowed, "I didn't want to let the fans down."

"Babe, I think they'd have understood," he assured, softly, caressing Louis' shoulder with his thumb. He ran his fingers, gently, along Louis' arm and tilted his head to the side. "There's still three more songs to go. You think you can make it?"

Louis shook his head. Then, he opened his eyes and peeled himself off the beam. When Louis gazed up at him, Harry felt he had met eyes with a stranger. Louis' eyes were grey, and his face was pale. He flashed Harry a half-smile. "I'll be fine," he assured, running his shaking hand through his hair. "Let's go, we've kept them waiting' long enough."

Though Louis' mouth said one thing, the clamminess of his face told Harry the truth; he didn't want to be here anymore. And it was only a matter of time before he threw up again. But Harry knew there was no way he was going to convince Louis to sit out now, especially since the crowd had begun chanting their names. He glanced to the big, red, digital clock on the backstage wall--still 15 minutes to go--and sighed. Harry shook his head and met Louis' eyes. "Alright..." he sighed, defeatedly. "...but you'll tell me if you're about to be sick?"

Louis nodded. Then, he gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek and ran back out on stage. For a moment, Harry massaged the bridge of his nose with his finger and thumb. Then, he shook his head and thought, "What am I gonna do with him?" before following Louis back on stage.


A few minutes later, Harry found it almost impossible to hear himself over the roar of the crowd. Even with his microphone turned up to its limit, the rumble of fans continued to overpower him. He smiled, brightly, raising the microphone to his lips and encouraged, "If you know the words to this one...please do sing along." The crowd went into a screaming frenzy, as the band began to play Harry's version of What Makes You Beautiful. Harry took a second to adjust his earpiece then, glanced over to check on Louis. Less than a foot away, Louis stood beside him, eyes closed, taking in a deep breath. He, slowly, stretched his neck from side-to-side and exhaled. When he opened his eyes, Louis felt Harry's pull and glanced up to his partner. Harry wrinkled his brow and mouthed, "You okay?"

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