Chapter 20

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[ Edited on July 11, 2016 ]


Alexandra realized — with nostalgia — that Max behaved just like her father whenever she and her brothers snuck out without permission. Currently, she, Angelina and the triplets were cramped inside Max's office (which honestly did not look like one). It was small, lacked furniture and was perched on a tree eighty meters from the ground. Totally normal, she thought with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Angel," said Max as his brows furrowed together, obviously trying to assess the situation. "What — why is she here?"

Angelina breathed out a nervous laugh. "Well, it's a crazy story, actually." Max only raised an eyebrow at her and Alexandra pursed her lips to stop herself from snickering — though it was wrong of her to do so. It seemed that they — her, rather — had showed up without anyone anticipating it.

It was Noah who had spoken up. He started to tell Max about Angelina's plan, her kidnapping, and about how they spied on Alexandra. In contrast to Max's reaction to Noah's last confession, Alexandra didn't take it very well.

"You spied on me?!" asked Alexandra as she eyed them incredulously. "Since when did — I — how? How did you guys do it without being caught?" Angelina pursed her lips and hummed a tune while Xavier and Noah whispered a little exchange.

"You lose," Xavier muttered with a grin. "Pay up." Noah grumbled an answer and handed Xavier a small vial. Jack, upon noticing the exchange, widened his eyes at his two brothers.

"Is that Poppyjuice?" whispered Jack with a horrified tone. "I — I mean, Paul said he was still developing that..." The glares he received from his two brothers effectively shut him up.

Max cleared his throat and the triplets turned their heads and stared at him. Alexandra momentarily forgot why she was mad when she saw the varied and comical looks the boys gave their father. Xavier looked the most guilty of them all as he quickly shoved the vial inside his pocket. "Xavier," said Max as he held his hand out. "The vial. Now." Noah visibly paled and Jack looked a bit triumphant at the knowledge of doing the right thing. Xavier sighed, pulled his hand out and dropped the vial into Max's open hand.

Now that the 'Poppyjuice' was confiscated, Max turned back to Alexandra. Upon remembering the reason why she should be mad, Alexandra mustered up the most accusing look she could.

"Remember that small vial I gave you and the alpha's son?" asked Angelina. Alexandra slowly nodded, encouraging her to continue as she slowly put the pieces together. "Paul did that. We regularly use it to hide our scents. It works, you already know that yourself. Now about your kidnapping: those guys were headed towards the castle."

Then it was true. The king really was after her. Her heart suddenly started to beat faster when Alexandra realized that the king already knew who she was. Perhaps it was the same reason why her father was...

"When that bozo was ordered to kill your father, we knew it wouldn't be long before King Charles makes his next move," Jack continued as he clenched his fists. "That's why you should stay here with us." Upon knowing that she could no longer avoid that particular subject, Alexandra closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. She was confused. She had no idea what she should do. If she suddenly disappeared (though she had already done that), her friends and brothers would surely grow worried. Alexandra did not like the thought of that at all.

Max seemed to have noticed her hesitation. He stepped forward and folded his hands in front of him. "We know it's a really big thing for us to ask. But please consider the danger you'd be putting yourself — and everyone else — in if you go back to your pack. I believe you haven't mastered your wolf yet, let alone fighting in that form."

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