Chapter 7

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[ Edited on May 15, 2016]


"Let's go!" hollered Carlos from the stairs, impatiently tapping his fingers on the banister. "Come on, sis."

Beside him, Brian appeared with a small smile and a proud gleam in his eyes. "Yeah," he said before pulling Carlos with him down the stairs. "You wouldn't want to miss it."

"'It' wouldn't start without me," Alexandra snorted before turning towards her room. "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up." She stopped right in front of her door before turning to look back at them — just to make sure that they did leave. Carlos appeared to be hesitating but with an encouraging smile from her, he finally went down the stairs.

In all honesty, all Alexandra wanted to do was to lay face-first on her bed and sleep. She was exhausted. Right after Christian and her little camping trip, she shifted after feeling like her temperature was one hundred degrees Celsius.

Couldn't the ceremony wait until tomorrow? It seemed like a better option.

Sighing, she made her way towards the window and stared out into the front lawn of their house. It wasn't really a lawn — a forest is more like it. Everyone would be expecting her there in five minutes. Alexandra was actually concerned about her wolf. She had no idea how did her fur turn into silver. If it came with an on-off switch, she'd be glad to use it. Which directs her to the problem at hand: How will she flip that switch?

She didn't want to accidentally burn someone with silver during the ceremony. That would be horrible, to say the least.

Alexandra wanted to tell Christian about it, in hopes of him telling his father to postpone it. But what would he tell the alpha? "Hey, I don't think Alexandra should be going through this ceremony today because she might hurt someone with her wolf."


As a result, she watched them leave earlier after lunch, secretly and hopelessly hoping for a miracle that would make Alpha Ruben postpone the ceremony. Obviously, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Sure, Carlos had three servings of pasta but it wasn't really new to everyone.

Something black moved along the forest's edge, smacking her back into reality. Squinting, she leaned closer until her nose touched the glass, and tried to identify what it was. The figure stopped moving and turned its head towards her. Alexandra gasped and pushed her hands against the glass, still staring at the wolf. It surely wasn't a member of their pack, judging from the unfamiliar appearance of it. Its amber eyes stared at her a moment longer before it disappeared into the thicket, its black coat perfectly blending in the shadows.

Intrigued, Alexandra turned away from the window and bolted down the stairs as fast as she could, narrowly missing the basket of clothes in Rona's arms as she did. Heart thundering against her chest, she swerved and leaped out of the front door, zeroing in on the exact spot where the strange wolf had disappeared earlier.

Christian would definitely get mad at her for chasing after some strange — possibly rogue — wolf four minutes before the ceremony.

Alexandra's feet found themselves walking through the dense undergrowth of the forest. Sniffing wasn't exactly helpful since she wasn't particularly skilled at tracking and couldn't really pick up a scent at that moment. Trying to be alert, she looked around her and hoped to see a glimpse of that black wolf again.

After what looked like five minutes of listening and searching, she gave up on trying to find it. With her shoulders slumped, Alexandra started to make her way towards the pack house, knowing perfectly that she would be in for a long sermon from Brian or the alpha. As she walked, Alexandra tried to imagine who it could possibly be.

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