Chapter 6

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[ Edited on May 12, 2016 ]


Being a wolf really had its perks. For instance: Alexandra could sniff the preheated pasta from her party last night all the way downstairs; see Christian's Adam's apple bob as he gulped; and hear the poor bird even before if flew straight towards her closed window.

For an awkward second, everyone silently stared as the bird slowly shook itself and flew off — away from the window.

Alexandra would have laughed at the scene if she could. Her tail slowly wagged, brushing against the carpeted floor of her room. Well, it was enough to express her amusement. Christian, who was still lying on the floor beside her, gave her a playful shove as he sat up.

"Hey!" she wanted to say, but it was instead twisted into a bark. Petting her, Christian comically grinned at her, clearly telling her that he was the 'superior' one. Clearly annoyed with him, she nipped at his hand, causing him to pull it away.

"Okay," her father cleared his throat, earning both of their attentions. "How about we take a step back in history?"

Alexandra did not notice that their alpha had left until he returned with an old leather book in his hand. Everyone's gaze followed the book as Alpha Ruben placed it on a table he pulled to the center of the room. Everyone scooted closer to listen and see what was written on the book. Alexandra — who was inconveniently still in her lupine form — decided to stand on her hind legs and lean her front ones on Christian's back so that she could see the book.

Her father was flipping through the pages tainted yellow from the years it had lived through. She could barely see anything from how fast he was doing it.

Meanwhile, her hearing picked up Christian's reaction. He grunted at the sudden weight and craned his head to narrow his eyes at her. Alexandra stuck a pink tongue out at him before ignoring his grumbles as she turned her attention back towards her father.

"This is one of the oldest books in our kingdom. Before Charles ruled over Silver Blood our kingdom had a rich story."

Closing his eyes, her father breathed deeply before opening then again. Alexandra noticed that in his face was a deep emotion. It was the very same emotion her father had shown before. Alexandra saw this when her mother had died.

"Long ago, our kingdom was originally ruled by a chosen family." Alexander opened the book, and at the very first chapter was a sketch of a man. Below it was a caption:

Henry of Silver Blood: The Silver King.

"King Henry was the very first ruler of our kingdom. We all know how our kingdom started: When the first civilization had begun, there were no kings nor queens; just people living together in a small village. One of them was King Henry. He was twenty years old when he witnessed a meteor land at the peak of one of the mountains. The said mountain was located at what we all know as the Black Shadow pack."

Her father flipped the pages as he spoke. Each sentence making sense as illustrations, captions and paragraphs showed in each page.

"Now, after setting off to find that meteorite, along with a few of his friends; after days and days of traveling, their group finally found where the meteorite landed. When they did saw what the meteorite was, everyone easily concluded one thing: It was made out of pure silver."

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