Chapter 11

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[ Edited on May 22, 2016 ]


"We could have lost our senses for all we know," argued Christian as they both continued to walk through the woods, away from the mountains and towards her house. He had no idea how Alexandra managed to force him into using the spray, but she did. Now, he couldn't smell her scent or his own, which freaked him out for the first few minutes. The vial was already empty, so he threw it somewhere in the forest so that no one could find it — just like his shirt.

Christian silently wondered if anyone had a chance of finding his shirt.

He did place it in a well-hidden area. Okay, so he didn't think of a good place to hide his shirt, but it wasn't like anyone would be stupid or disgusting enough to sniff out a dirty, wrinkly, salivating shirt. Christian didn't know why he just decided that the shirt was salivating.

Alexandra sniffed the air and scowled at him. "I could still smell the forest," she said and it was true. It seemed that only the two of them were invisible to the world, which was kinda fun for him. In all honesty, Christian actually expected himself to turn invisible as soon as they sprayed themselves with that weird liquid. Much to his disappointment, nothing happened except for being unable to smell each other's scents. "So, who howled earlier?"

Christian dreaded the moment when Alexandra probed for information. She knew his weakness, and it really sucked. Okay, he also knew hers, but where's the fun in that?

"I had no idea," he said, acting nonchalant. Alexandra frowned and tugged on his arm, making him completely face her. Christian braced himself for what was to come. She jutted her bottom lip out and whimpered dramatically as she purposely made her eyes appear watery — which always made Christian jealous of her teary-eye trick. Her infamous puppy-eyes always worked when they were still kids, and surprisingly, until now it was still effective. "Nope, not gonna work," he crossed his arms and tilted his head up, closing both of his eyes to avoid seeing her face.

Hint: Her face was undeniably cute and adorable.

"Aw, come on, Prince," she sighed and Christian knew that her puppy-eyed-face was gone, but he still kept his posture just in case. Then, he thought of something really good, which made Christian smile at his awesomeness.

"Okay, I'll tell you who, but first," he opened his eyes and mustered up his best pose. "Admit that I look like Dylan O'Brian."

Alexandra scowled at him. "Dylan O'Brien." she corrected. Christian remembered a lot of times where she spent their sleepovers fangirling over Dylan. He always spent an hour in the mirror before meeting up with her to make sure that he looked his best, but he'd never tell Alexandra that. It was embarrassing.

"Yeah, Dylan O'Brien. I look like him, right?" He almost sighed at Alexandra's faux horrified look. After a moment, she then tilted her head and pretended to think. Her hand reached out and she fixed his hair, retracting her hand and showing him a crust of dried mud, which made him cringe slightly. That was embarrassing. They went around the pack territory before deciding that they should get back home.

"Okay, there's a tad resemblance between you two." Alexandra emphasized the 'tad' with almost closing the distance between her index finger and thumb, but he knew she was lying. Heck, Christian believed that he looked like Dylan O'Brien when he first looked up the guy in the internet — yeah, he looked him up since he had no idea who he was when she first mentioned him. He's like the blond version of the guy.

Don't hate. A guy could dream.

Christian actually thought that Dylan was someone else from another pack. She would never believe how jealous he was when she gushed about how Dylan was perfect in every way until Christian realized that Dylan was actually an actor.

"It was Sam," he said, telling Alexandra about how he and Sam made code names for everyone in case something like this happened. "King Charles and his son are somewhere in our territory right now."


Alexandra had to admit, being stuck inside her closet with 'Prince Dylan' wasn't as fun as she'd imagined before. Christian — ahem, Prince Dylan — decided that it was fit to listen to music while letting time pass. They both shared the earphones she had and were having a good time until he opened his mouth.

"YOU BELONG WITH MEEEEEE!" Did she mention before that Christian was also a Swifty? Oh well, his secret's out then. Alexandra cringed and covered her ears as he continued to screech — yes, screech, not sing. She was still sitting next to him, bearing the torture he was giving her; Alexandra was such a good friend.

She was still inside the closet with him all because of her brother. Carlos caught them inside her room and told the two of them to stay hidden, lest the king or the prince would find them. Her amazing brother managed to convince the two of them and handcuffed them together for 'safety measures'.

Alexandra was now 100% convinced that she wasn't related to Carlos.

Now that she was stuck with a singing Christian, all Alexandra could do was to cover her ears and hope that she'd have her eardrums intact by the end of the playlist — which still contained 30 or more songs. Don't get her wrong, Alexandra loved Taylor Swift, but she avoided playing it when Christian's around.

After an hour and a half, the closet door opened and Brian stood on the other side, with a slightly amused look. "I thought I heard something," he muttered while helping the two of them to their feet. "The eagle and hawk took flight five minutes ago."

"Am I the only one who has no idea about these code names?" asked Alexandra, but was ignored by the two of them.

"Hey, Bri, have you seen Carlos?" Brian shrugged before fishing out a small key from his pocket.

As Brian moved to unlock the cuff between their hands, she heard him sigh. "He thinks he caught a rogue's scent. I can't even smell any foreign scents around here other than the prince and the king." Alexandra agreed, she and Christian did see the rogue earlier, but she couldn't detect any scent coming from her. It was peculiar. Perhaps the rogue also used some of the perfume on herself too.

But how did Carlos manage to smell her?

They both pretended to laugh, saying that it was ridiculous. Thankfully, Brian didn't see through their pathetic acting skills as he continued to fiddle with the handcuff.


"Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise."

Alexandra couldn't take it anymore. Sobbing, she covered her face with her pillow. Watching Titanic was actually her idea. She and Christian got into a bet on who cries first. Apparently, she lost. But who wouldn't cry while watching this movie?

"I promise," said Rose in the screen of her television. Alexandra felt Christian's hand on her back, and realized that she had lost her bar of chocolate to him for a stupid bet that she would obviously lose.

"There, there," Christian said after pausing the movie. "You still have five bars of chocolate left." Alexandra lifted her head up from the pillow and glared at him. He didn't even cry, which was near to impossible.

Alexandra voiced out her accusation at him and Christian's eyes widened. "Sorry," he held his hands up as if he was getting arrested, "we men have higher crying tolerance." That didn't even make sense for Alexandra.

Christian snuck inside her room at eight in the evening, nearly scaring the hell out of Alexandra when she got out of the bathroom to find him snoring on her couch. Alpha Ruben probably didn't know about it, again. But Alexandra doubted that the alpha had no idea where his son was at. They spent some time talking before watching the movie. By then, it was already past eleven, and they were both sleepy.

She stood up and turned the television off before groggily walking towards her bed, wiping the remnants of the tears away before collapsing on top it. She heard Christian yawn, probably stretching on the sofa before everything slowly faded as she fell asleep.


[ Next chapters' (Chapter 12-14) edited versions will be hopefully posted on May 29, 2016. ]

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