"Ha!" She laughs once, a sarcastic one at that. "Go on, leave. See how you'll survive without me."

I slide my jacket onto my body and head for the front door, opening it wide and slamming it as hard as possible for dramatic effect. The action speaks a thousand more volumes than any words I could ever say to her.

My hand routes through my pocket and I dig out my phone. I remembered an old friend from school had texted me earlier in the week, asking if I wanted to meet this Friday. Considering I didn't really have anyone else to meet up with at such late notice, this would have to do.

I had to get out of that house before I exploded and tore the whole thing down with my mother inside. That is how much she drives me insane, so much that sometimes I don't think she is using her brain when she comes out with these things.

She purposely ignores my demands for more control over what I do but I know that if I don't turn up to castings and callbacks, they'll never trust me again and I need money. Especially if I want to move out and try something new for a job, I'll need the funds.

My fingers quickly punch out a text to my friend, Oscar and ask where they're out at the moment. I head towards town because they're most likely to be that way but I haven't seen him in a couple months, along with some other friends from school.

They're good friends to hang out with and have fun but I guess there is a reason that I don't see them all the time. They like to get drunk, party and have no aspirations in life. Sometimes being with them puts my life into perspective and I realise that I've outgrown them. But for this situation it's perfect because I want to get drunk and rebel against my mother and her stupid wishes.

Finally show to her how I feel and if that means not coming home for a few days then I mean it.

Oscar soon responds telling me his location, I bring it up on the map instantly and furrow my eyes at the blue dot. In the middle of the forest in a building that wasn't named. I grow even more confused as I zoom in and out, writing back to Oscar to make sure the location is right.

You'll see when you get here, it's lit.

I huff out a breath and shrug, what the hell have I got to lose?

On the way I pass an off-licence and pop in to grab some beers. I can't show up without anything, especially if they're having a party.

I follow the path on the map to make sure that I'm going the right way, the sun hadn't completely set yet but the sky was certainly getting darker and I'd rather get there sooner or later. Especially in these creepy ass woods.

Soon I approach a large building, one that has decaying bricks and growing ivy. I could hear a thumping base coming from inside and I walk straight towards the broken front door.

When I step in I glance around, this place is abandoned and they're using it to have a party of their own. Fair play to them for the creativity.

There are some people I recognise and others I have no clue who they are. I spot Oscar from across the room and his eyes light up when they meet me. "Hey man," he grins, pulling me into a side hug.

"Hey," I say before holding up the beers. "I brought these."

"My guy," he claps a hand down on my back and I place them down onto the side. I offer him one before taking one for myself, I press the lid of the glass bottle onto the edge of the damaged table and use my fist to bump it off.

When I turn Oscar already has his bottle undone and waiting for me to clink his. "Cheers," he says deeply before taking a large gulp of the liquid, I follow his actions and smile. "Come meet some people."

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