Part 27

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Happy reading

Sorry guys I realised I published the same chapter two times
For this here is a long update.....

Chapter : Wipe my tears

Dinner at the Gupta's table was quiet...too quiet. NK sat nervously between the brother and sister. On one side was Khushi, eating her pasta silently, NK knew-no he could sense something was on her mind, and the mentor side of him told him to let her solve it on her own. However, on his other side was Khushi's overly protective brother. And instead of his trained, calm side, his normal, instinctive male instincts kicked in and silently sweat dropped nervously as he began to count down the minutes till dinner ended.

"Where did you say you were from again?" Aaron said in a hard voice, breaking the silence NK found comforting,

"England, my parents moved there when I was young," NK answered, to his surprise his voice didn't shake, funny how he felt the opposite inside.

"And now you've moved back?" Aaron continued to interrogate him, NK gently tugged the collar of his uniform, and the collar around his neck was getting a bit too hot,

"Transferred, my parents thought it was better if I got the hang of the Indian curriculum, I am Indian after all." NK answered again, "Khushi get me out of this!" he shouted mentally inside his mind. Immediately the bond between the mentor and student connected,

"Hang on just a little longer, besides you're doing pretty well." Khushi answered back, smirking a bit. Out loud, she let out a soft cough, drawing Aaron's attention away from the nervous male.

"It's your turn to do dishes tonight," Khushi pointed to the table drawn on a small white board by the stairs. Grumbling, Aaron collected the dishes as Khushi saved NK from more torture and brought him to her room.

"You can stay here, unless you and Aaron would like to talk more," Khushi teased, almost immediately NK sat obediently down onto a chair by her table and Khushi saw that he felt a lot more comfortable there than with her brother as she left for the kitchen again.

Khushi went down the stairs ready to help her brother, only to be sent out to the backyard.

"One time I wanted to help and I get sent away," Khushi mumbled. She used her legs and gently pushed herself on the swinging chair that was on her back yard for as long as she could remember. Even now she could vaguely remember her mother holding her on this very chair when she was young, and pushing her while speaking softly with her gently voice.

"That's one look I never thought I'd see on your face." A voice said beside her. Khushi's head snapped to her right and was face to face-well as face to face as you can get with a ghost-with Arnav. His transparent body slowly drifted down until he himself had sat on the chair and became solid.

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