Part 24

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Chapter : Something I can't teach

"You're shitting me."

Arnav's cursing broke the silence that hung over the three. Khushi despite the tense situation at the moment-glared at him for using such language, NK looked on in amusement, half smiling because of Arnav's outward expression as well as Khushi's death glare-which he himself had been at the receiving end of and let him tell you it wasn't that nice. He promptly ignored her glare,

"So you're telling me, that Khushi's going to school with some…dude who really wants to kill her, what for?" Arnav asked, NK took a glance at Khushi and her emerald eyes shifted left and right,

"Well…ok remember the first day we met, I told you the difference between shifters and mediators?" Khushi asked, Arnav nodded,

"Shifters needs to be trained and mediators are born with powers," Arnav recited, Khushi nodded

"The thing is, training a shifter is hard work. The trainer themselves has to have at least 5 years of training behind them, and even if they do have 5 years you'll have to take a child at a very young age to train them. The problem now, is that a lot of people have no idea if they're shifters or not. If shifters are born and left untrained, their powers decrease and eventually they'll be left with no power. Mediators are the only thing standing in the shifter's way, if a shifter can remove a mediator, then their own powers multiply." Khushi drew in a long breath,

"And… I'm going to guess Aditya wants to be more powerful?" Arnav asked, a nod came from both NK and Khushi, "Well then, simply put Khushi's not going to college anymore." Arnav said simply. Khushi immediately exploded,

"What? I have a life here! I need to go to college!" Khushi exclaimed angrily.

"So you're going to go to college even if some dude's going to try to kill you every second?" Arnav exclaimed even louder. Khushi shot up,

"Yes so what! I need to keep my life here, I have a life here!" she cried out, Arnav shot up with her,"If you keep coming you won't have a life to live with!" he countered. Both the mediator and the ghost glared at each other heatedly, neither of them noticing the  other one, sweat dropping NK sitting between them,

"Um-" NK began,

"I'm a big girl I can take care of myself!" Khushi shouted, not noticing NK's attempt to speak.

"Guys?" NK tried again,

"Yea I didn't notice that when you almost spilled out our secrets to him!" Arnav shouted back with equal loudness,

"Khuu-" NK said louder,

"I was preoccupied! If you hadn't run off in the middle of the night I wouldn't have been!" Khushi retorted,

"People!" NK shouted again,

"Oh now you're blaming it on me, this is for your own good! I don't want you to die!" Arnav screamed,

"GUYS!" NK shot up this time, he roared over their arguing voices,

"What!" Khushi and Arnav said in unison, spinning around to face him. Khushi's face was getting red; she was huffing and puffing from her argument seconds ago. Arnav being a ghost and being dead-showed no signs of redness or huffing and puffing, but if looks could kill, the look in his eyes could probably take out the entire population of Delhi.

"Khushi your college bell just rang and people are going to come out and as amusing as it is to watch, people are going to see you shouting into thin air, can we go to your house, please?" NK asked. Arnav didn't answer, in fact he didn't even spare him a glance, all he did was give a glance towards Khushi's direction, before he disappeared all together, no doubt to Khushi's house. Khushi's shoulders slumped down; she grabbed her bag, flung it over her

shoulder and walked slowly and heavily out of the yard with NK with her.

"So how you feeling kid" NK asked kindly as they walked out of the college gate and into the silent side walk.

"What do you mean," Khushi sighed, her mind preoccupied, NK chuckled,

"Please, Khushi I've known you since you were barely a teenager, I trained you every single day, I've seen you enough to know how you're feeling." NK listed, "I know that look, and something's bothering you." Khushi couldn't look at NK, he was so right, sometimes he knew her better than she knew herself,

"Everything… just everything that's been happening, I'm 18, I'm a teenager, all I should be worrying about is how I'm ever going to get a date to the party, to the best day of my life… and may occasionally on math, but worrying about someone coming after my life shouldn't be until I'm like 80!" Khushi exclaimed, NK looked at her gently with his kind eyes,

"Khushi, the day we met, I've told you, over and over again that this won't be easy, it never will. You were chosen to do this because you have what it takes, and I've watched you ever since and you've improved so much, what's the difference now? You've been in worse situations, but now you've got me, and ASR." NK said. Khushi winced gently at Arnav's ASR name; she couldn't bear looking at NK now,

"Arnav…" she mumbled, she had said it so quietly, so softly, it was almost impossible to hear… almost. And like the keen person he was, NK didn't miss it.

"It's ASR isn't it," he said, immediately Khushi's head looked at him with her unique emerald eyes, they were wide with shock, surprise and… was NK seeing right…and a bit of guilt. "Khushi…" NK stopped her in front of her house, the two of them stood outside the driveway, "You… you've fallen in love with him." Khuy's body was jolt awake,

Love? "No NK you've got it all wrong… I- he I didn't, I haven't fallen in love I mean I help him, I help ghosts, aren't I supposed to help them?" Khushi stuttered, NK's face shower neither angriness or disappointment, in fact, khushi was pretty shocked NK wasn't at all surprised when he said that, he shook his head, smiling,

"No, this is for you to learn, this isn't something I can teach you," NK cradled Khushi's face in his hand and in a fatherly gesture, tucked a piece of her curls behind her ears, "Khushi, I love you like you're my sister, in time you'll find out." And then he walked away from her and up the stairs towards her front door. Khushi followed seconds later, her mind contemplating what he meant,

"In time I'll find out…" Khushi thought distantly as she shoved her key into the key hole and entered her house.

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