Part 5

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Happy reading

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Happy reading


Chapter- friend or foe

"Alright class, before we start today's lesson, I would like to introduce a new student to our class. Please welcome Aditya Singh from Goa." Their teacher introduced. At the same time, the class door slid opened, and in walked a particularly handsome young man. He turned, and Khushi could tell one smile from him would send all the girls in this class fluttering after his feet. He had a smooth complexion, the colour of his skin slightly dark, instantly proving that he worked hard on his tan. Smooth, jet black hair and blazing eyes swept across the classroom. Khushi shivered, he seemed to radiate with a strong aura she couldn't really recognize. She shook her head, she must've been thinking too much.

No more charming rocks for you anymore. Khushi chided herself mentally.

"My name is Aditya Singh, I hope we will be able to work together nicely." He snapped Khushi out of her mental scolding with his sharp, cool voice. She heard indistinct dreamy sighs from her female classmates and silently sweat dropped.

"I am sure you will catch up quickly." Said Khushi's teacher kindly, "Now, where shall we place you... ah yes, next to Miss Gupta please," he pointed towards her direction, and to the empty desk next to her.

The next thing she knew, 'Aditya Singh ' had come up beside her, his black charcoal like eyes looking down at her. She looked back at him with her emerald eyes, and shivered seeing her very face reflect back to her in his deep black pools.

"Pleased to meet you Miss Gupta." He smiled down at her, his eyes trained on her. Khushi snapped out of her reverie, taking his hand in hers,

"Welcome." She could only speak one word. A chill ran up her arm, and as if shocked, withdrew her hands quickly from his. Aditya sat down beside her, and Khushi eyed him. A swift smirk flew pass his face when he met her gaze, and for one blood chilling moment, she thought she saw those eyes swiftly sweep from her to the supposed empty air next to her.

Her heart tripled their beat and Khushi forced her mind to calm down and not to jump to the wrong conclusions.

Chill Khushi, it could've just been a coincidence. Khushi breathed silently, but all the same, just for precautions, she quickly tipped her pencil down onto the floor and bent to pick it up. As she raised her hand, she brushed her fingers up Arnav's arm softly, muttering a quick incantation before turning her attention to the teacher.


Aditya carefully watched the girl beside him. He smirked as her emerald eyes flew across the board. Yes she was sharp; this was going to be fun.

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