Part 17

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Chapter : Denial and acceptation

She shines with such radiance, such beauty, he thought.

For once in a long time she remembered, Khushi was able to get up before her alarm rang. She got up, and started to get ready for school slowly, she hadn't been able to get any sleep at all last night, and it was all thanks to her mom. She wasn't too sleepy, but had to use a bit of make up to cover the faint dark circles from her eyes that started to form with her sleepless night and the nightmares from nights before.

"You're up early, for once." Aaron said from the door, smirking at his little sister. Khushi didn't bother getting worked up, she was too tired, both physically and mentally. Aaron frowned slightly at his sister's tired shape, and glanced slightly towards the window where he knew Arnav was present, faced away from her. "Get down here in five minutes, I'll see if I can drive you." And he left. Khushi watched the door close and sighed,"Ever Aaron's treating me differently." Khushi mumbled sadly,

"He's only worried about you." Arnav said, shocking Khushi, who had forgotten for a second that he was there. They hadn't talked since their trip to see her mom.

"I'm 18 and am practically an adult now, but they keep treating me like I'm 8!" Khushi burst out angrily, the past few days getting to her, "It's not like I'll open the stove and stick my hand in it."

"You can be 80 and your safety will still matter!" Arnav shouted in a voice that matched hers, "There are people here that care about you, that worry about you if you're going to get hurt."

"I won't get hurt! It's my life I can do what I want with it!" Khushi cried back. Arnav jumped off the window sill, and glared at the emerald eyed girl with his own brown eyes, and Khushi glared back with the same intensity.

"You should be happy you have someone that cares about your life. Don't think your life only affects you alone, don't take it for granted." He said coldly, before he disappeared out the window. Khushi stood there in her school uniform, looking at the empty space. Her emerald eyes filled up with tears, and when one finally escaped her eyes, the rest followed, streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't take my life for granted." Khushi whispered, the tears falling onto her skirt and carpet. Her hands were clenched tightly in a fist, "I don't."

She didn't see Arnav for the rest of the morning. She rode silently in Aaron's car, not making a single sound except uttering a small 'good-bye' to him and drifted into the college. She didn't bother saying hi to any of her friends, or payal. Khushi sat in class, looking at the black board but not really listening, she couldn't feel Arnav's presence all day, and some how she felt slightly colder, and less safe without him.

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