Chapter 10

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It's fun eating bread while waljing towards school. I think I did the right choice about joining Kpop Star Hunt. My win definitley gave me more confidence to be a kpop star. Maybe call Mark for now? Haven't heard his voice for decades. I miss him, honestly. Dialing. Oh! Mark is calling. Maybe he feels the same way. And.. Answer.

"Chonnasorn?" He said

"Mark... It's been a while." I replied with a joyful tone

"Yeah! At last you answered your phone. I've been calling you everyday. Almost lost hope on talking to you once again and seeing you." Really?

"Yah! You're being so dramatic right now but I am very sorry. Mianhe oppa."

"Let's go out." What do I say? Is he talkibg about a date?
"Ah. It's not a date." Oh..


"But if you want to date someone. I'll bring a very handsome friend of mine. Later at 5:30 pm at the nearest cafe at your school. After that I can walk you to Cube before I go to JYP."

"Eh? Anyo. Don't bring a friend. Umm... I'll just see you later." I hung up

Why do I always expect him to ask me out on a date even though it's crystal clear that he dosen't like me. He really changed. When we got here, he became more caring. Also seems like he stopped dumping all girls. In short, he's not intrested in dating someone anymore. I really haven't seen him after I won Kpop Star Hunt because we went to our own dorms already.


I feel very sorry to Sorn for not telling her that I like her. I really like her. Actually, I already love her. I just can't tell her because I might just break-up with her. I can't hurt her. I just can't date her and then hurt her just like what I did to the girls back then. There she is. Let me sneak behind her and cover her eyes. Ha!

"Who's this?" She said holding my hand to know who I am
"Yah. Who's this?" It feels so good to hear her voice and touch her again
"Umm.. Who's this?" She said and then I stopped closing her eyes

"Annyeonghaseyo." I said and she turned

"Oppa..." She said with a smile

"Kaja." I said and put my arm around her shoulder
"Miss me?" I asked looking at her abf I started walking

"Anyo." She answered

"Ey~" I said and grabbed her bag

"Oh. Kahamsamnida."

"Oppa, can I try your skateboard?" She asked and we stopped walking

"Araseo. Here. Stand there and I'll hold your hand. Let's go." She looks so cute while skateboarding

I can't stop looking at her. I think she's lost some weight and she looks prettier than before. So much prettier. I really can't stop looking at her cute, pretty, and innocent face.

"Oh! Watch out a rock." I said but I was too late that she tripped

Why does this always happen? I am holding her again right now. We are staring at each other again. She stood up straight and I grabbed my skateboard.

"Yah! I told you to take care of yourself!" I shouted

"Why are you the one angry?!" She yelled

"Because.. I care about you." She's speechless
"Let's go." I said and started walking


Mark paid my drink. Hmm... So kind. What does he mean a while ago? Why does he even care about me? I am not the only friend he has. There's no reason for him to care for me that much. He sat down, looking angry.

"Oppa... Why do you care for me?" I asked

"Because.. You're my friend." He answered

"Oppa... Mianhe." He ignored me

"Hurry up. I need to go there early."

"You can leave." He stood up immediately and left without saying a word

What's his problem? He became very angry just because I wasn't taking good care of myself.. Just a while ago, he was so happy to see me again and now he's very angry. I've never seen him that angry before. I didn't even do something wrong.


Why? Why are you making her think that you're so upset because of her? Mark, what the hell are you doing? You should've stayed instead of leaving her just like that. What in the world are you doing Mark? Okay. Stop talking to your self. I need to focus on our training right now.


Still wondering why was he so angry yesterday just because of one little bitsy thing. I can't believe he really left without saying a word. I never thought he could do that to me. And most of all, it was the day when we met again. It's really been months since we haven't seen each other until yesterday came. I texted him saying I am sorry for what I did even though I don't think I did something wrong. He's still not replying. He usually replies really fast but now, he is not texting me back that fast. I don't think he would even text back. I should stop hoping and focus on class right now.


Mark, text back. Text back. Text back. What is freakin' wrong with my hands and fingers that I won't even pick up my phone and text back? Why is she apologizing? I think I should be the one apologizing right now. My mind says text her, my body says don't, and my heart says I love her. I can't. I am so afraid to break her heart.

A/N: Omo! Bambam's birthday is tomorrow but in Korea, it's already his birthday! I wish Bambam would have a fun birthday! Advance Happy Birthday Bambam!! Fighting!

Date Published: May 1, 2015
Time Published: 11:51 pm

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