Chapter 1

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Hearing loud squeals means Vayne has entered the school. Everyday almost all the girls in this school are in the entrance waiting for Vayne. I hate Vayne. He just breaks every girl's heart in this school. The longest relationship he has gotten into is only for a week. After a week, he'd break up with the girl. The ladies chasing after him don't even get it. He just wants to be famous. Yeah, all they know is that I am nerd who hates Vayne and scared of fights. I am so not afraid of getting into fights. Hell no. They actually hate me because I hate Vayne. What's the freaking connection? I am not even doing something bad to Vayne and why would I? I actually hate this school so much. Worst school ever. On my way to Art Class.

"Dainnn!!" My bestfriend Sera shouted as she ran towards me

That's not very normal for her to shout my name and run towards me though. Maybe something great happened with her life. Like she and Vayne are like boyfriend and girlfriend. But please, no. I don't want to hear that kind of news.

"What's with your sudden behavior Sera?" I asked and she smiled the brightest

"Guess what?" She said and widened her eyes staring at me

"I wish you're so not in a relationship with Vayne." I said with a deep sigh

"That's right!! Vayne and I are in a relationship!" She almost screamed

"Hahaha. Yay." I said as if I was happy

"Oh come on Dain. Learn to love him. He is the best man on campus. Besides, you won't have a chance for Aiden anyway. It is so obvious Dain."

"I don't care Sera. At least he is not like Vayne. Vayne breaks up with every girl on campus. He isn't even serious with all his relationships he has gotten."

"He'll be serious with me though. He promised me yesterday."

"Ugh. That's not true Sera. Let's go to class Sera." I said and continued walking

Today at Art Class, our teacher asked us to be in pairs so obviously my partner is Sera. We were assigned to do some drawings for the school newspaper. The theme they assigned for us is about "Love". Sera quickly thought of drawing herself and Vayne together.

"Um... Sera, that's not gonna work."

"Oh yeah it will. Let's get to it." She said and started drawing herself

"Sera. Stop drawing you surely will just get embarrassed with that drawing. Vayne will break-up with you and I am sure about that. So please Sera. Let's just draw two people loving each other. 'Kay?"

"You're jealous aren't ya?" She teased

"Hell no Sera. Let's just draw." I said and started drawing

After three hours of classes, lunch time. Sera told me to leave her alone for now. That she needs to eat with her new "boyfriend". So that made me eat alone. Food is my boyfriend. I felt so lonely eating something good until someone dropped his tray on the table. I looked up and saw my one and only crush. Aiden. We are close since last school year.

"Aiden." I said and smiled at him

"I missed you so." Aiden blushed

Does he like me? Is he the one?

"Oh. Is that so." I said and took a sip of strawberry juice

"Umm... Dain. I am not saying this because you look ugly but I think it's better if you put your hair down instead of doing a ponytail. Ummm... Contact lenses instead of glasses. I guess."


"But it's your life so. Do what you want."

"Yeah. Thank you anyways for that." He nodded with a smirk

Talking and eating with him was kinda fun though. I left him when I realized that it was already time for the last class. I smiled at him before leaving.

Classes for today were fun. I left the main building immediately when we were dissmised by our teacher. I went to the dorm with Sera. Megan, Amanda, and Kim aren't here yet. I sat down on the couch when we went inside our dorm. Lazy me. Someone knocked the door and I pretended to be asleep so that cooking Sera will get the door.

"Yah. Dain. You're not even asleep." She caught me

I stood up and peeked outside to see who knocked the door. I almost punched the glass window when I saw Vayne holding a rose. He didn't even look very nervous. I sat down and he knocked again.


"It's your boyfriend."

"Really?!" Sera took her apron off and walked towards the door while fixing herself

I decided to continue Sera's cooking. When Sera opened the door, Vayne gave her a rose and Sera looked very happy. I was peeking at them while cooking.

"Dain. I'll be back. Continue cooking, okay?!" She said

"Yeah, yeah." I replied and they left

I was very happy cooking until someone knocked the door. I hate visitors. Like a while ago, I peeked outside and yay! Megan's hereeee. I opened the doorand smiled at her. She's very pretty and she is also a good dancer. She helped me cook our dinner later.

Now that dinner's ready, I ate before Megan could. While we were eating Amanda and Kim came. They looked very stressed. They said that we cooked the beef really well and they also added that it was the best. As expected. Megan and I are really good at cooking. We were chatting happily until crying Sera came.

"He broke up with you huh?" I asked and Sera sat down

"You're right. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." She cried loud

"Don't worry Sera. You'll find someone better for sure." Megan said and someone knocked the door

I was finished so when I opened it... Aiden's here. He looked nervous. I asked who he was looking for and he asked where Megan was. I called Megan and did not come back at the door anymore. I peeked to see his gestures and they left the house.


Wow. I didn't expect Dain to open the door. She looked pretty even with her hair up a while ago though.

"Hey Megan.... I want to ask if... You can help me court Dain." I finally spat it out

"Sure! She also likes you anyway." She said and closed her mouth using her hands

"Re-really?!" I asked and she pit her hand down

"Yeah. Ugh! I promised Dain I wouldn't say it to you!" She spinned with her hands on her head

"Hahaha! It's okay Megan. I also like her anyway."

"Hey. I have to go now. Here's my number. Text me if you need help. See ya! And goodluck!" She winked at me before she left

Dain also likes me? This is the best day ever. I never thought she would like me back. Who would never like me anyway? With my looks, of course I am next to that Vayne.

Date Published: April 7, 2015
Time Published: 5:55 pm

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