Chapter 4

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It's nice how our whole group won. Even Jazz's group won. That's one real good news. Jazz texted me saying that she wants to meet me at the Campus Park later at 11:30 pm. She's gonna treat my lunch. Well, since it's alreafy 11:00 I should get going. Don't have time to change anymore. Oh my. My glasses. Oh yeah, it's with Jazz. I should go now.

At exactly 11:30 pm, I saw Jazz sitting down on tge grass with her groupmates. Wait WHAT?!!!! VAYNE IS ALSO ONE OF THEM?! This is so not good. Jazz sees me and gestures me to come and eat with them. Perhaps, have a picnic with them I guess. I walked towards them slowly and Jazz let me sit down beside her. Everyone congratulated me with a thank you except for Vayne and the guy beside him. Jacob I guess? They wrere chatting. They didn't realize I was here.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Vayne, Jacob. The muse is here, why not congratulate her?" Jazz caught their attention and I tried not to make eye contact

"Why so shy?" Jacob asked

"What? Oh, it's nothing." I answered and smiled at him

"Let's eat." Claire said and we started eating

Vayne has been staring at me ever since I got here. Why? He wasn't smiling at all. He was just staring at me with a plain look on his face. I feel like Vayne and Jacob are talking about me. A phone rang and the phone ringing was actually from Claire. The group's 2nd leader.

"Jacob. The principal said you weren't answering your phone. Here. The principal wants to talk to you." Claire said giving her phone to Jacob

"Goodafternoon sir." Jacob said with his deep voice
"Yes sir." Jacob said aftera long pause

He gave Claire's phone back and all of us were looking at him like what was it all about? He said that Vayne and I were called to go to the principal's office right now.

"Why?" I asked as Vayne stood up
"Jacob, why?" I asked and Jacob shrugged
"Seriously?" I asked

"Ey. Stop with the talking. Let's go to the principal's office." Vayne pulled my backpack up making me stand up

"HEY!!" I shouted right in front of his face

"You're cuter than before. Let's go." Vayne said

Vayne held my hand and pulled me. The rest of the group were teasing us as we left especially when Vayne put his right arm on my right shoulder. They shouted: MARSORN OTP. I pushed him and walked faster than him.

"You're still the same." He said when we are almost at the office

"Don't act like we're in a relationship again. Okay?" I said not turning to look at him

"Okay, okay." He didn't even apologize huh?

I knocked the door and the guards inside opened both doors so Vayne and I went inside together. The Cube and JYP Entertainment Talent Scouts are here. OMG!! The principal gestured us to take a sit. We sat beside each other, facing the two talent scouts. I was just smiling to act like I am not even nervous. Vayne looked very relaxed with his arm rested behind my chair.

"Oh. Is there something going on with the both of you?" The principal asked and my eyes widened while Vayne was smiling


We answered differently. With him saying yes. What the hell Vayne. They looked very happy for us.

"What? I hate you Vayne." I said and crossed my arms

"Okay. I was just kidding. You hate simple jokes Dain huh?" He asked

"If it's your joke." I slapped his arm and he giggled while crossing his arms

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