Chapter 17

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"Hey Em?" Emily hums lightly, "Can I ask you something?" She turns her head, "Private or work?" Allison looks down to her hands, "Private?" She nods, Allison takes a gulp of her wine, "What's your type? Like in a partner?" Emily laughs, "Why so scared to ask that, Allie?" Allison blushes at the nickname again, "Well, I don't really have a physical type, I mostly just look for someone who understands the job and just loves me without hesitation. Or just the opposite of my exes." The last sentence makes them both giggle. "Now I'm curious, what about you?"


"I like brunettes" Emily looks up, "Well not exclusively but I've realised I'm much easier attracted to brunettes. And obviously they need to understand the job and stuff too." Allison tries to lock eyes with Emily, knowing full well she's sitting lower than her. She moves her eyes up to meet her brown ones, seeing her flick them away quickly. "Do you have a guest room?" Emily turns her head towards her bedroom, "You can sleep in my bed, it's big enough for the two of us."


"Are you going to work tomorrow?" Allison shakes her head, "I took the week off, needed a few days to get away from all of it." Emily nods, "God, I get that." Allisons smiles, she gets up from the couch and puts out her hand for Emily to grab, as soon as she does she gets pulled up until their faces are close to eachother. Allison feels two hands on her hips, moving her to the side so she could pass.


Once Allison has fully comprehended what's happening she's being leaded to Emily's bedroom with one hand on her lower back. "What's your side?" Allison looks at the bed, "Left, if that's okay." Emily smiles, "Perfect, I sleep right." After they both position themself on their side of the bed Allison gets her phone out and Emily takes a book from her nightstand, "Is it okay if I watch a show while you read?" Emily nods, not taking her eyes off the book. "Good book choice by the way." Emily smiles, her eyes turning to Allison.

After two episodes of Friends, Allison suddenly hears some papers ruffle next to her, she looks over to see Emily smiling and looking at the show, "Em?" She flicks her eyes up, "Hm?" Allison laughs lightly, "You like it?" Emily nods and moves closer, "I haven't seen this yet." Allison gasps, "You've never seen Friends?" She shakes her head, Allison smiles and continues to watch more.

She does hear a word out of Emily for the whole episode, just some giggles and laughs. Once she looks over she sees her boss, sound asleep next to her. She puts her phone away and pulls the sheet over the both of them, "Goodnight, boss." She gets comfortable and lets herself sink in the matress before closing her eyes.

Allison wakes up to Emily tossing and turning next to her, she quickly checks the time, 8:30am. "Emily?" Emily throws herself flat on her back, "Morning" She still sounds tired, "Allison turns on her side so she's looking directly at her face, "Did you sleep okay?" Emily turns her head, "Better than at the hospital, still not great." Allison blinks slowly, trying her best to wake up more, "Any nightmares?" Emily shakes her head, "No that I remember at least." She smiles.

Allison goes to sit up and motions to Emily, telling her to move closer. They talk for awhile before Allison brings up Sarah and Spencer, "Are they doing good?" Allison laughs, "Oh Sarah is absolutely over the moon, I mean, in all the years I've known her she hasn't been this excited about a guy."

After a not-so-akward breakfast, Allison goes home to get some clothes, JJ called to have girls-night at hers tonight because she missed them. Allison had to admit she wasn't happy to leave Emily but it helped that she would see her that night again.

Is it noticeable im procrastinating my exams?

Sincerely, Emily | E.PWhere stories live. Discover now