Chapter 15

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TW: mention of SA 


"Took you long enough Thompson." Emily crosses her arms over her chest, "Yeah, sorry, I ran into Arizona" "Oh okay, give me my soda now." Allison hands her the soda and sits back on her couch-bed. "Arizona as in one-night stand Arizona?" She smiles, clearly embarrassed, "Yeah, her" Emily laughs, "You had sex!" Allison gives her a death-stare, "Yell louder, I don't think the old guy 3 floors down  heard you."

"How was it?" Allison raises an eyebrow, "You're my boss. Do you really want to hear about me getting laid?" Emily nods, making Allison chuckle.

Half-way in her story Allison gets interupted by a call, "I'll be back boss." She smiles and walks out the room. "Agent Thompson" 

"Allison, It's JJ, we got results from her tests, is she with you?" Allison looks back into the room, "I'm outside her room." She hears some paper ruffle on the other side of the line, "So, her saying 'it's all fine' and 'nothing happened' was most definitly not true, maybe she genuinely doesn't remember but I doubt that. She has 3 broken ribs and, as you've seen, severe bruising around her neck." Allison looks at Emily scrolling on her phone.

"What are we going to do if she doesn't talk about it?" Theres a long silence, "I need to get back to her." JJ sighs, "Get some sleep Al, both of you." Allison smiles soflty, "I'll try, you guys too."

"JJ?" Allison nods, "Yeah, how'd you know?" She shruggs, "Just do" Emily takes a sip of her soda, "What did she say?" Allison puts her hand on Emily's, "Nothing important, she told us to get some sleep, which is probably a good idea." She takes the soda out of her hand and puts it on the night-stand. Emily sighs but doesn't complain about it.

"Goodnight, boss." She hears a little laugh coming from the bed, "Goodnight Thompson." Allison scrolls trough instagram for a little bit before actually going to sleep. She plugs her phone into her portable charger and rolls over.

His hand feeling the scars, "he did a good job on that by the way." She forces her eyes shut, "Do whatever you want Knox, just please get it over with." He chuckles, "You want me to do what he did, after the branding? I was there for that too, I saw, heard, you scream, how he touched you." 

"I couldn't care less about you to be honest, but you see that camera, right there.That, that's about 10 men who are very willing to get you off my hands."


"Emily?!" She wakes up, "What?" she sees Allisons face very close to hers, "You were moving around and sweating, I think you were having a nightmare." Emily huffs, "I don't think so." "Emily, please. Just tell me, or if you don't want to tell me I can call JJ, Penelope or Tara."

Emily sighs, "If I tell you, do I have to tell the others too?" Allison shakes her head, "You don't" She nods, "You still look at me as your boss, right? Not a friend?" Allison looks confused, "Well, I still see you as my boss, but we're also friends, I think?" 

"Good enough." Allison sits back down, "What do you wanna know." She watches the emotion slowly leave her eyes, "Whatever you feel like telling." "Sure" Emily explains most of it, she mostly talks about Ian and Declan since she has that story basically memorised. She shows Allison her branding but quickly covers it back up. Same goes for the scar on her stomach, she skips over most of Paris, not having anything interesthing to say. Allison listens carefully, not cutting her of, but still showing she's listening with nodding her head and humming softly.

"You happy now?" Allison sits frozen for a few seconds, she gets up and gives Emily a hug, probably the first she's gotten since her abduction. "I'm so sorry boss." She holds her thightly, not wanting to let go, she lets her hand stroke Emily's back. After a while she tries to pull back, feeling two arms around her waist keeping her in place. Allison can feel Emily sob silently on her shoulder. She moves a little, allowing her to sit on the bed.


this chapter started so much happier than it ended lol

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