Chapter 14

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Slight smut warning

"Emily, I know you don't want to talk about but I just need to know this, do you want any of the guys here or would you like it to stay the girls?" Allison looks worried, "Uhm, maybe just the girls? If it's not too much trouble, I'll get over it if I have to I just know you guys better and-"

Before she gets to ramble on JJ steps in, "It's fine Emily, whatever you feel best with." Emily smiles softly, "No one even has to stay here, I'm fine on my own, there are doctors around non-stop" Allison chuckles, "Yeah, that's not going to work, we're staying." Penelope clears her throat, "Sorry, I am staying till tomorrow morning and then Penelope will take over, JJ will take the next night." Emily laughs, "You guys made a schedule?" They all nod.

After JJ and Penelope leave Allison tries to distract Emily from everything that's going on; "Okay, tell me some hospital gossip" Emily raises an eyebrow, "I've been in hospitals enough to know that every patient knows the hospital drama, so spill boss."

"Well I have some old drama? It's probably best to get you up to speed first so; All the attendings used to sleep with interns here, they probably still do but they hide it better I guess. This Derek dude slept with Meredith Grey, the owner of the hospital now, but back then she was just an intern." Allison laughs, "That would be like us sleeping together right?" Emily's smile drops, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Okay, continue, I'm interested now." Emily explains some more of the backstory, "Now, the last thing I heard is that a cardio doctor here is dating her stepbrother, which I think is very weird, but I don't judge." Allison leans back, "Kinda sounds like you do, boss." Emily slaps her arm, "I never judge" She rolls her eyes. Allison looks at the clock, "I'm going to get something to drink, you want a soda?" Emily nods.

"Al?" Allison jumps, "Arizona, Jesus. Don't do that." She nods, "Sorry, FBI agent, I forgot." She shrugs, "It's fine, I'm just cautious." Arizona nods, "Deluca isn't working, why are you here?" Allison turns around, "Night-duty for Emily. Besides, Drew and I decided to not date, we like each other but it's just not right, you know?" She places her hand on Allison's arm, "I'm sorry Al"

"Oh, no it's okay, really, he's still a cool dude and I'm sure we'll be friends." Arizona nods, her hand not leaving Allison's arm, "I should, really get back, to uhm, Emily" Arizona moves a bit closer, "Do you?" She gulps, "I mean, she can wait, right?" "mhm"

Allison gets pushed into one of the on-call rooms, Arizona pushing her back into the door. She feels little kisses being placed on her neck, "Ari?" Arizona hums, "This stays between us." She looks up and nods, pulling Allison away from the door and on to the bottom bunk-bed.


I had to do it

Sincerely, Emily | E.PTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon