Chapter 2

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"Newbie!" Allison rolls her eyes, "When am I going to wear that title off?" Derek moves over, allowing her to sit next to him, "Boss is coming in a sec" "You will lose your head over that one day." She shrugs her shoulders, "I like it." Spencer sits in front of her, dying to ask some questions, "Okay genius, go ahead, ask away."

"Emily!" JJ stands up to go to the woman who just walked in, "We ordered your favorite." She smiles, "Thank you Jayje." Allison leans into Derek's ear, "So she does smile?" He lets out a muffled laugh, causing Emily to give him a look.

"Okay I really want to know more about you, Thompson." She sits straight, "Alright, the basics; I grew up in Texas, I have an older brother and younger sister. I went to yale, where I got my PhD's and stuff, did some work around my psychology and yeah, started in S&T." Penelope listens attentively, "This is stuff we can find in your file, I need personal stuff, like who are your friends, what's your type, that sort of stuff."

The whole group laughs, "I don't have many friends but I met my best friend, Sarah, during a project I was working on, since she was the head-scientist. She's great, she does so many good things too. And Reid, you'll love her, she's also quite the genius." He smiles, looking towards Emily.

JJ gives Emily a push, nodding her head towards a man who just walked in, "Isn't that Andrew?" Emily's eyes grow wider, Allison looks over to Derek, "her ex" he mouths. She nods, Emily turns her back towards the bar, "Don't let him see me." JJ reassures her "He's walking out, don't worry Em"

Emily let's out a breath, Allison notices a scared look in her eyes. She decides to not ask too many questions. She looks over to Penelope who's looking at Emily, clearly worried. "I'm gonna go guys." The group nods, JJ goes to the door with Emily, not letting her out of sight.

"I don't want to be nosy, but is there a story with Andrew and Prentiss?" Derek looks to JJ and Penelope, they both shake their head, "Let's just say he couldn't truly accept Emily." Allison nods, not being sure how to change to conversation, luckily Spencer still had tons of questions about her paper and her work at S&T.

After a few hours everyone is starting to go home, Allison and Derek are the last ones left before they both leave too.

When she gets home she first decides to text Sarah;
- "Coffee tomorrow?"
• "I'd love to!"

Allison gets ready for bed, checking her phone for the time; 2:00 am.
not that bad


Took me long enough 🤨

Sincerely, Emily | E.PWhere stories live. Discover now