Chapter 5

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They get back from the case, Emily sent most them home but Allison decided to stay, trying to finish her paperwork before the weekend. Only JJ, Tara and Emily stayed for longer, causing the idea of girls-night to come up.

"I'm calling Pen!" JJ spurts off, causing Emily to smile. "Are you sure I'm not overstepping?" Tara slaps her leg, "Don't you dare. We want you to come. Right?" Moving her head to Emily, "Yes, Allison, I'd love it if you came."

Allison reacts startles to having Emily use her first name. "Well thank you, boss." Emily rolls her eyes, "Really, stop using that." She shrugs.

"I called Pen, she's meeting us at yours, Em." Emily looks schocked, "At mine?!" "Oh, I'm excited to see the boss' home." Tara tries to hide her laugh, clearly failing, same with JJ.

They arrive at Emily's and she immediately shuts off her alarm, Allison notices they have the same one, but doesn't mention it. She sees the black cat and immediately feels her heart swell. "You have a cat?!" JJ looks over to Emily, "Yes, Sergio." "I love him already" JJ smiles, "I wouldn't have seen you as a cat-person, Al." Allison fakes a schocked face, "How dare you, I love cats!"

They drink some wine before Penelope arrives, "Hey you guys!" She storms in, they all look at her, "Oh, wine!" She grabs the bottle and sits down next to Tara.

They talk about all sorts of stuff before Penelope gets to her favourite subject, "Omg, how are you guys' love lifes?!" JJ holds her hand up, "Still married" Penelope rolls her eyes, "That's not interesting, come on, anyone else?" Emily and Tara both turn their heads towards Allison, "What?! Why me?" Emily shrugs, "You're new."

"My love life is extremely sad right now, so" Penelope shuffles a little in her seat, "Do tell, Anything that happened before it was extremely sad" Allison sighs, "We split a few years ago, it's really not worth getting into. I haven't had a love-life since." She looks at Emily, her eyes turn soft, a small smile appears on her lips. "Interesting, okay Emily, come on."

Emily looks dissapointed, "Same here, not alot to tell." Allison sees JJ's look change before speaking, "You heard anything from Andrew?" Emily shakes her head, "Not after the bar, luckily. I don't want to see him again, like ever." They all nod.

After all of Tara's and Penelope's love-life was talked about, Allison diverted the subject, "I might have set Sarah and Spencer up." JJ nods excitedly, "They're so cute together, two geniuses!" Emily smiles, "That's good. Spence needs someone who likes his smart-talk."

When Emily goes to get more wine, Allison follows her, trying to help her with the glasses, "Hey boss?" Emily chuckles, "Yeah, what's up?" "Please tell me if I'm overstepping, but what happened between you and that Andrew dude?" Allison sees her face change, "I told him something, he didn't like it. And he kept harassing me about it, even after we broke up. He's a cop, I can't file a complaint, It's been a whole mess." Allison nods, "I'm sorry about that Emily." She smiles, "Thank you Allison, It means a lot. Hey, what happened between you and that guy from a few years ago?"


"Uhm, It just didn't work out, they wanted different things, we dated for a few years, which is why I haven't really dated after it ended"

Sincerely, Emily | E.PDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora