Chapter 8

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"How are things with you and that hot doctor?" Allison laughs, Emily turns her eyes away from everyone and back to her lunch. "We're doing good, I mean it's only been 4 dates so, nothing serious yet."

JJ looks over to Emily, seeing some sadness take over. "I mean, I like him, I'm just not sure if it's going to actually become something, you know?"

Penelope and Emily both get a notification on their phones, "Been fun guys, theres a case" Emily walks away quickly, moving towards her office and closing the door.

She sits at her desk and lets her head fall in her hands. After collecting herself again she reads the case over, "fuck" She walks towards the meeting room, gesturing everyone to follow her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" She paces around the room, Morgan grabs her arms, "Calm down princess, what's wrong?" She let's out a breath, "It's Declan." They all get quiet, "Em, it's Luke Russel, not Declan."

She calms down and shows some pictures, "It's Declan. I changed his name again, I know Doyle's dead but so many of his partners or enemies are not. It's L.R" Allison and Tara look confused, "L.R as in..?" They both look around the room, "Lauren Reynolds."

They get caught up on everything that happened, Tara knew about Paris but not the case, Allison knew litterally nothing. She sees Emily trying to turn back into cold and emotionless, still letting some tears come up.

She straightens her back and wipes her tears away, looking up. "Present the case Garcia." She nods.
"Luke Russel, 19 years old, went missing 3 days ago. We've been asked by the local police because of this letter;
Bring the BAU
xx I.D"

The whole group can see Emily's face change, "Alright, that's clearly just to get us there, Ian died years ago. Continue Garcia" She nods, "They got the letter right after his abduction, they thought it was a game but now the police might actually need our help."

"Wheels up in 20" She gets up and walks to her office, closing the blinds once she walks in. Allison walks by the office last, she knocks on the door, knowing her blinds are never closed. She doesn't get an answer.

She risks it and goes inside, she doesn't see her boss anywhere in her office. She sees her badge on her desk and a door, which she didn't know existed, opened.

"Hey guys! We have a problem." Allison gets them caught up, "She did this, Again? Again?!" Morgan hits the Unit Chiefs desk. "Derek. Calm down."

"She'd never risk using the jet, she wouldn't want to leave us stranded. We're just gonna go to Orlando and work the case. Emily would want Jareau to act as Unit chief." They all look at Allison, a little impressed, then move their heads towards JJ.

"Well, Wheels up."


Sincerely, Emily | E.PWhere stories live. Discover now