Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!

Începe de la început

Macau: "We need to repair you flight deck, or maybe refit it?"

Shanghai: "Are we gonna do a refitting to a Light Carrier? I don't know, but the refit need months?"

Taipei: "Maybe we can, besides, we have enough resource to refit this Carrier."

Chen Hai: "You really want to refit my Carrier?"

Taipei: "If we can, we will.."

Chen Hai: "Thank you!"

The discussion ended with refitting Chen Hai Carrier, with the three Super-Carrier, one of them were the oldest. The refit will make Chen Hai classification no longer as CVL, but as CV and having an armored flight deck. The Dragon Empery Main Base surround has no shipyard, so the drydock will be the refit place for the Light Carrier.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: the Dragonians Destroyers were sleeping peaceful with the Chinese Destroyers...)

Dockyard, Dragon Empery

The repairment of the Dragonians ships were complete, the ships now looks like a brand-new ships that just out from the shipyard. For Chen Hai, her Carrier still on the drydock, the refit will take months, and some upgrade will be added on Chen Hai Carrier.

Yat Sen: "I don't believe you will refit Chen Hai ship?!"

Hai Tien: "Are you sure it's okay to refit Chen Hai ship?"

Taipei: "It's not a problem, as long we've the resource that we need, it will be okay."

Shanghai: "Beside, you guys will more airpower now! With Chen Hai refit, there's possibility than Chen Hai classification will change into Fleet Carrier!"

Chiang: "By the way! How about we take a tour to your ship now?"

Chen: "Since your ship has been repaired, we added some upgradation on your ships."

The Dragonians: "Really?!!"

Huey: "Yeah!"

Hubei: "Beside of that, we're the same, we from the same navy too, right?"

Jiu: "So there's no problem to add an upgrade to your ships!"

Yat Sen: "Thank you very much!"

Matsu: "Alright!! Let's go see your ship!!!"

Kinmen: "Matsu!!!"

And then, they began to on board the ships. First ship is An Shan.

On Board of Chang Chun Ship

They see at the Destroyer; the ship displacement completely change. The AA Guns were replace into 40mm guns and added 2 guns, the main guns were replace with 5-inch guns and added with one other 5-inch guns, from 4 into 5 guns.

An Shan: "Wow!! My ship completely different!!!"

Fu Shun: "Look! The AA Guns were different now!"

Chang Chun: "There other two guns!"

Ping Hai: "Wah! The ship completely change!"

An Shan: "Thank you for the upgradation!"

The Chinese: "Your welcome!"

Ying Swei: "Wow! I never know your ship will be like this!"

An Shan: "What happened to my 5.1-inch guns?"

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