Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!

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Wilhelmshaven Port

In the morning. Finally, Vaterland and his fleet arrive in Wilhelmshaven. Meanwhile, Zeppelin and other go to Iron Blood Main Base.

Frank: "Hey guys!! We already arrive!!!"

Hindenburg: "Wilhelmshaven!! I miss you!"

Saxony: "Finally..."

Munich: "Hey look! There a few girls looking at us."

Kurfürst: "I think, its because our ship size, make them stunned."

Manstein: "Yeah... Since our ship, especially Kommandant ship, Kürfust, Hindenburg, me, and Rhine is really big."

U-40: "Hey! I see a few U-Boat girls in there."

Rhine: "Hey! U-41! Don't forgot about what you say yesterday after the battle!!"

U-41: "Of course not!"

Hamburg: "I wanna joins too!"

Saxony: "Hamburg! I said to not drink a beer now!"

Hamburg: "Eh!... Ja schwester."

Saxony: "Good..."

Hindenburg: "Having an overprotective sister is really hard right? Hamburg."

Hamburg: "Shut up!"

Munich: "Kommandant, how about you?"

Vaterland: "You all just go to the bar; I will join you after I talking to their leader. Understood!."

All: "Jawohl!!!"

In the port, Bismarck is already there to see the new ship. When she see the fleet, she was shocked and amaze in the same time. After the fleet is docked, she approach Vaterland and greet him, and act like a professional.

Bismarck: "Guten Tag! My name is KMS Bismarck, the leader Iron Blood."

Vaterland: "Guten Tag too. My name is FGS Vaterland, the leader of this fleet and the flagship of Deutsch Marines."

Bismarck: "Welcome to Wilhelmshaven Port, Mr. Vaterland."

Vaterland: "Drop the Mr please, and thank you for the welcome greet."

Bismarck: "Eugen and Zeppelin have explained. You and the other willing to join the Iron Blood?"

Vaterland: "Yes... Since we have no place to go, we decide to join you."

Bismarck: "Follow me to the office, we will talk about this."

Vaterland: "Lead the way, fräulein Bismarck..."

Then Vaterland and Bismarck go to the office to talk about the Deutsch Marine joining. Meanwhile, the other is already on the dock port, looking around, seeing many girls. The girls ware amaze, shocked, and scare in the same time.

Hindenburg: "Hey look! We are famous!"

Meanwhile his brother, Kürfust, sees him with frustrated face.

Kurfürst: "I gave up! I have nothing explain to this kid!"

Hindenburg: "Hey!! I'm not a kid! I'm an adult!"

Kürfust: "You're adult, but having a kids personality and troublesome!"

Manstein: "Geez.... You look like a kid, you know."

Hindenburg: "I said, I'm not a KID!!!"

Hamburg hops from his ship and see his ship condition.

Hamburg: "Huhh... Mein gott."

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